Tamia F/ Jermaine Dupri - Stranger In My House (So So Def Remix) Lyrics
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Tamia F/ Jermaine Dupri Singer Lyrics
Stranger In My House (So So Def Remix) Song Lyrics
Tamia F/ Jermaine Dupri
Song Title:
Stranger In My House (So So Def Remix)
Print Version
Turn it up, uh, uh
So So Def
Ladies and gentleman
You've got the fine ass Tamia in the house tonight
She just came from off tour
She got a little story she wants y'all to hear, remix
I don't understand
You look just like my man
In the picture, heh sitting by my bed
The suspense is pounding and it's clouding up my head
I'm checkin' your clothes
And you wear the same size shoe
You sleep on his side (his side)
Driving his ride (his ride)
But I don't know just who you are
1 - There's a stranger in my house
Took a while to figure out
There's no way you could be who you say you are
You gotta be someone else
Cause he wouldn't touch me like that
And he wouldn't treat me like you do
He would adore me, he wouldn't ignore me
So I'm convinced there's a stranger in my house
I'm not sure who you are
Don't see your shadow around when you walk, no
You leave with no kisses
Goodbye with no words
If these walls could talk
They would have nothing to tell
So what could it be?
Is there someone immitating me?
Could she be taking my place?
Look me in the face
And tell me that I'm wrong when I say...
Repeat 1
Pop quiz
Tell me where we first kissed
Tell me where my spot is
Tell me if I liked it, loved it
Or could it be
That the stranger is me
Have I changed so drastically?
Is it I want more for me?
And you remain the same
If the beat stop rockin'
The Def will keep rockin'
If the beat stop rockin'
The Def will keep rockin'
If the Def stop rockin'
The kids will keep rockin'
If the beat stop rockin'
The Def will keep rockin'
Yeah you know how I do
Tamia, the remix, yeah
Uh-huh, oh sing-a-long y'all
I'm taking it straight to the club
Tamia, uh oh, what?
There's a stranger in my house
Repeat 1 to fade
Stranger In My House (So So Def Remix) Lyrics
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