Tampa Red - Western Bound Blues Lyrics

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Artist: Tampa Red
Song Title: Western Bound Blues
Visits: 654
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If you lose your money, don't lose your mind
If you lose your money, don't lose your mind
And if you lose your sweet woman, well brother you better not mess with mine

If you ever been down, I know you know just how I feel
If you ever been down, you know just how I feel
Why I feel just like a dyin' soldier, across the battlefield

Baby I'm goin' out west, and don't wanna leave you behind
I'm goin' out west, and I don't wanna leave you behind
Because I'm afraid that when I return baby, I'm afraid that you won't be mine

Aw shucks - you know what I'm talkin' about
Then how do you think I feel to go away and come back
And find you in another guy's arms
I take a brickbat and break your neck
And I don't mean maybe neither

What's the use of walkin', for when there's a freight train goin' your way
What's the use of walkin', and there's a freight train goin' your way
(I heard the train blow)
If my mind don't chage, I'm western bound today

Put your arms around me baby, just like a circle around the sun
Put your arms around me baby, like a circle around the sun
That's the way baby, Papa Red wants his lovin' done
(You hear me talkin', and I don't mean maybe, that's all)

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