Tankard - Incredible Loudness Lyrics

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Artist: Tankard
Tankard Author
Album: Heavy Metal Vanguard (Demo) (1984)
Tankard - Heavy Metal Vanguard (Demo) Album
Song Title: Incredible Loudness
Genre: Rock
Visits: 590
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We want headbang every night

C'mon turn out the light

Heavy concerts and horrible parties

Dying by 200 phone

Too loud you're dying playin' Heavy Metal

Too loud you're dying playin' Heavy Metal

Wanna hear load and heavy

Ready for destroying really

Ears fall down from philistine

'Cause Venom plays in Odeon

Incredible Loudness we want - that's hard, that's heavy

Playin' hard and loud we want - that's good, that's right

Incredible Loudness we want - that's hard, that's heavy

Playin' hard and loud we want - that's good, that's right

Running free kill'em down

Let's play heavy with much rown

Dying whores and lying here

It's so loud it's shread your ear

Too loud you're dying playin' Heavy Metal

Too loud you're dying playin' Hard and Heavy

Drinking their blood tonight

It's a very very great delight

The reason why we do this

Is our incredible loudness

Incredible Loudness we want - that's hard, that's heavy

Playin' hard and loud we want - that's good, that's right

Incredible Loudness we want - that's hard, that's heavy

Playin' hard and loud we want - that's good, that's right

Running free kill'em down

Let's play heavy with much rown

Dying whores and lying here

It's so loud it's shread your ear

Too loud you're dying playin' Heavy Metal

Too loud you're dying playin' Hard and Heavy

Drinking their blood tonight

It's a very very great delight

The reason why we do this

Is our incredible loudness

Incredible Loudness we want - that's hard, that's heavy

Playin' hard and loud we want - that's good, that's right

Incredible Loudness we want - that's hard, that's heavy

Playin' hard and loud we want - that's good, that's right

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Other Tankard song Lyrics
  • Total Addiction
    "You need your drugs
    Your coke your crack your pills
    Blurring your money in a frenzied manner
    For a losing cause that cost your life..."
  • Tantrum
    "I came to party with a thirst of for beer
    A wanna drink, so give me one to me
    My body ashes and I need one now
    I'm gonna get drunk and beer is the key..."
  • Dont Panic
    "Do you care for the world we live in?
    Are you aware?
    Death! Kill! War's running rampant
    Kill! Die! Your children are dead..."
  • Puke
    "Drink! this beer is for my health
    And have a couple more
    Drink! Until the beer is gone
    And pass out on the floor..."
  • Chemical Invasion
    German beer's among the finest
    The beer is pure and chemical free
    A standard set which we are proud of..."
  • Farewell To A Slut
    "Coming home 6 a.m. had a night of excess
    When she opened the door I puked on her dress
    She says that I'm lazy - a cooser and fool
    A longhaired drunkard, no good at all..."
  • Traitor
    "Death! Kill! blood will flow
    From the ones who play for money
    Sold! Out! It's time to pay
    You're gonna die no other way..."
  • Alcohol
    "Drinkin' beer somewhere with me
    Playin' loud and poppers flee
    I want booze and beer and wine
    To be drunk it's to fine..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Heavy Metal Vanguard (Demo)" album, click "Tankard Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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