Tankard - Tantrum Lyrics

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Artist: Tankard
Tankard Author
Album: Chemical Invasion (1987)
Tankard - Chemical Invasion Album
Song Title: Tantrum
Genre: Metal: Thrash
Visits: 728
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I came to party with a thirst of for beer
A wanna drink, so give me one to me
My body ashes and I need one now
I'm gonna get drunk and beer is the key

It set my brew down for one second
Went to the toket - I had to peek
When I came back it wasn't very long
For me notice: My beer was gone!

Who stole my beer?
You must die!!!

I searched the house from
the bottom top to bottom
Checked all closets and under the couch
Came up empty it's nowhere to be found
Guess you stole it and I will kill

Is this a joke or some kind of nightmare
I want my beer and I want now
I gonna gun and know how to use it
And I will the choice is yours

Who stole my beer?
You must die!!!

I came to party with a thirst of for beer
A wanna drink, so give me one to me
My body ashes and I need one now
I'm gonna get drunk and beer is the key

It set my brew down for one second
Went to the toket - I had to peek
When I came back it wasn't very long
For me notice: My beer was gone!

Who stole my beer?
You must die!!!

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Other Tankard song Lyrics
  • Total Addiction
    "You need your drugs
    Your coke your crack your pills
    Blurring your money in a frenzied manner
    For a losing cause that cost your life..."
  • Dont Panic
    "Do you care for the world we live in?
    Are you aware?
    Death! Kill! War's running rampant
    Kill! Die! Your children are dead..."
  • Puke
    "Drink! this beer is for my health
    And have a couple more
    Drink! Until the beer is gone
    And pass out on the floor..."
  • Chemical Invasion
    German beer's among the finest
    The beer is pure and chemical free
    A standard set which we are proud of..."
  • Farewell To A Slut
    "Coming home 6 a.m. had a night of excess
    When she opened the door I puked on her dress
    She says that I'm lazy - a cooser and fool
    A longhaired drunkard, no good at all..."
  • Traitor
    "Death! Kill! blood will flow
    From the ones who play for money
    Sold! Out! It's time to pay
    You're gonna die no other way..."
  • Alcohol
    "Drinkin' beer somewhere with me
    Playin' loud and poppers flee
    I want booze and beer and wine
    To be drunk it's to fine..."
  • Grave New World
    "Melt to the beat of the drum
    Melt to be one, to be one
    What thou wer'st, what thou be
    Creature of the hatchery..."
  • ...Show All
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Chemical Invasion" album, click "Tankard Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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