TANTRIC - Awake Lyrics

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Album: After We Go (0)
TANTRIC - After We Go Album
Song Title: Awake
Visits: 1028
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Thinking back we were a struggling
All the people, places
We've left behind
What others want you are a struggling it
Second chances are the hardest things to find

Another day, another sun is gone
And everything around us
Slowly wears us down
So you pleasantly distract yourself
Time is passing
Don't forget to look around

What if the life we knew wasn't dead
It's only been forgotten cuz we fought and lost again
I'm tired of always stumbling through it
That's not the way to be

Pay attention cuz it goes away
And don't be bothered
By the things you can't control

Very few things never fade away
Let the petty things
That dwell go where they go

What if the life we knew wasn't dead
It's only been forgotten cuz we fought and lost again
I'm tired of always stumbling through it
That's not the way to be

This is how I have to clear my mind
This is how to take the blindfold off to find
What I see an image of my life
Then awake to find that everything was fine.

What if the life we knew wasn't dead
It's only been forgotten cuz we fought and lost again
I'm tired of always stumbling through it
That's not the way to be

What if the life we knew wasn't dead
It's only been forgotten cuz we fought and lost again
I'm tired of always stumbling through it
That's not the way to be

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Other TANTRIC song Lyrics
  • Chasing After
    "You said that you'd never hurt me
    But you did anyway
    My Piece of mind now deserts me
    And here I lie..."
  • After We Go
    "Do you know how we got right here
    Is it something we probably asked for
    All the answers are not quite clear
    But the question is one that you can't ignore..."
  • Falling Away
    "How did we let this *bleep* get complicated
    When all of this time we knew that we were wasting
    Why do I feel like I always fall through
    Sometimes I feel like I just want to be you..."
  • Hey Now
    "Feel me
    Why are you hiding
    Why are you siding
    What happened to my friend..."
  • Hero
    "Before you go, just listen
    And I'm sorry
    For all the things I've done to you
    You know that I'm sorry..."
  • The Chain
    "Listen to the wind blow
    Watch the sun rise
    Run in the shadows
    Damn your love..."
  • Change The World
    "I don't have another reason
    Why all these thoughts are floating through my head
    It seems I took myself through seasons
    I take it all myself, my pain instead..."
  • Just Once
    "Just once I'd like to show
    A part of me that's in control
    I don't know how to say
    But I would regret it anyway..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "After We Go" album, click "TANTRIC Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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