Tanya Donelly - Human Lyrics

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Artist: Tanya Donelly
Song Title: Human
Visits: 580
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Some sun-faded beauty let you down
And I'm supposed to feel bad about it now

Do you think you look human to me?
Do you think you look human to me?

And on that ride you took your sister down
And I'm supposed to feel some pity for you now

Do you think you look human to me?
Do you think you look human to me?

I don't know what you expected
You're barely Homo-erectus

Why do you
Why do you
Why do you...

Some sun-faded beauty let you down
And I'm supposed to feel bad about it now

Do you think you look human to me?
Do you think you look human to me?

Do you think you look human to me?

I don't know what you expected
You're barely Homo-erectus

Tell me what you really want
Tell me what you really want
Tell me what you really want

Why do you
Why do you
Why do you...

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Other Tanya Donelly song Lyrics
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  • Another Moment
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    Another moment too soon for you
    The angle shifts again
    Another moment too soon..."
  • Breathe Around You
    "I live underwater and you live on the moon
    You can't breathe around me and i can't breathe around you
    We start and my heart's in traction
    I'm living i'm living i'm dying for you..."
  • Bum
    "Some lucky bum
    Took away my right to some
    Sweet honey love
    Look what's been done to me look what i've become..."
  • Bury My Heart
    "Bury my heart separately
    It's something that don't belong to me
    Like Mary did Percy's
    Now do this for me..."
  • Butterfly Thing
    "What's that thing
    About a butterfly wing causing a typhoon
    If it's true a wire runs through each thing we do
    Then I better stay in my room..."
  • Clipped
    "Winter is on us
    Winter is watching us
    Cutting and quiet
    Winter is all over me..."
  • Darkside
    "From the dark side of the sun
    My supernatural one
    You fell into grace
    Move slowly if not carefully..."

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