Tara MacLean - Better Things Lyrics

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Artist: Tara MacLean
Song Title: Better Things
Visits: 580
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Bended knee and diamond ring

He said he loved her more than anything

She was all he had

Filled his greedy pockets full

And then found someone more beautiful

He was all she had

Hearts grow weak and dreams grow cold

Even stars fall when they have nothing to hold

There must be better things for me

Better things for me

She saw him on the street one day

She caught her breath and ran away

They were all they had

Hearts grow weak and dreams grow cold

Even stars fall when they have nothing to hold

There must be better things for me

Better things for me

Breathe again, familiar

As you see again the sky

I have watched you sleep for hours

While my life passed me by...

But you were all I had

All I had

Hearts grow weak and dreams grow cold

Even stars fall when they have nothing to hold

There must be better things for me

Better things for me

Bended knee and diamond ring

He said he loved her more than anything

She was all he had

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Other Tara MacLean song Lyrics
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    Heard a sound..."
  • Pretty
    "Thats a pretty little friend ya got there
    Cant she introduce herself?
    Cant you look me in the eye tonight?
    Am I missing something?..."
  • ...Show All

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