Tarkan - Dudu (English) Lyrics

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Artist: Tarkan
Tarkan Author
Song Title: Dudu (English)
Visits: 1916
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here cant be separation without the crying
emories won't stay well behaved
he ones left behind carry the ones that go
in their hearts
love isn't a burden to those who love
this is how we know it - this is how we live it

ooooooooo oooooooo
she knows it as well
ooooooooo oooooooo
she's in love as well
ooooooooo oooooooo
knowing all she's defiant against love
she does as she pleases anyway
fresh as a flower valuable, the one and only
as pure as mothers milk should drink her
pleasant speaking tongue
her eyes are the likes of the sea and oceans
this heart of mine is letting her get away with things
is always hovering around her
she's so spoilt/coy
whatever it does (the heart) she overlooks it stubbornly
she makes you brood over
ooooo oooooooo
she's strongly desiring it aswell
ooooo oooooooo
(i can't make out what he says here)
ooooooooo oooooooo
knowing all she's defiant against love
she does as she pleases anyway
don't take notice of me laughing (don't believe i'm happy)
see it - hear it - but don't believe it
I'm shattered, my heart is
in ten thousand pieces
with every breath I takeat every step I take
if only my life/my darling could be here
with me now
fresh as a flower
valuable, the one and only
as pure as mothers milk
should drink her
pleasant speaking tongue
her eyes are the likes of the sea and oceans
threw all my
sorrows/worries inside (kept them inside)
t's my right to live like anyone else
(two lines here i couldn't make out also)
it's possible that it could rain everyday
people do make mistakes
perhaps if we hold on to each other
the sun may rise (be born)

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