Tartaros - The Intense Domain of Grievousness Lyrics

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Artist: Tartaros
Tartaros Author
Album: Red Jewel (0)
Tartaros - Red Jewel Album
Song Title: The Intense Domain of Grievousness
Genre: Metal
Visits: 628
Print Version

Laying on black shiny marble

The lustrous floor of secret senses

Blended within a royal night to provoke

My tempest

Raising my red jewel

Through the atmosphere of magnificence

Physically alone so pure and clean

In a fragrance of solemness...

Attracting the silver green flash

The spots from the five high-lights

Vibrating my words, VIBRATIN MY WORDS...

All through the royalty of the night...

Brought away, deep down...

Abrupt as the speed of the light

A huge temple of infinite brightness

Staring hard at me

As pure nature in person, is thinking me dead..

Catching its glance of mysticism

Tasting the emblem of

My Third Eye...


In the intense domain of grievousness(6x)

As the temple grows rough!!!

I clearly feel the blowing thunders breath

As crowded wind, but from my mouth!?

As the temple grows rough!!!

I clearly hear the blowing thunders beat

As crowded thumps, but from my heart!?

The Intense Domain of Grievousness Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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Other Tartaros song Lyrics
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  • Storm of Terror
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    "Out there...
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  • The Lamentable Sonata (Intro)
    "Let us empty the porcelain jars
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    Scribes put your pens down......"
  • The Red Jewel
    "Fading suddenly in!!! An ultimate red light...
    The strong red jewel, it was formed that night...
    Covered with 5 bright silver shields with pendants
    It was hanging in the air in front of me......"
  • The Ruby Mine
    "Draw the curtains! Oh joyous expectations, drastic mirth
    Reveal! The time is due, the feast is cast!
    The two crystal gleams... it is her eyes!
    The eyes of the rapturous Maid of Vision, she is my queen to be!..."
  • Into the Facutly of Wonderful Secrets
    "You are into my feared
    World, -sleeping in my domain"
    With the faculties of mystical secrets...
    With the profound contemplation......"
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Red Jewel" album, click "Tartaros Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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