Tasha Makia - Be Yourself Lyrics

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Artist: Tasha Makia
Song Title: Be Yourself
Visits: 660
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I can see it in your eyes
You don't even have to lie
Why can't you be yourself around me
I can feel it when we talk
You don't have to play it off
Why can't you be yourself around me

On the phone can't stop talkin
Tellin me about everything
Soon as I hit the sun and pop in
You roll up tinted windows on me
Don't wanna hold my hand in public
You're afraid your boys might see
Tryin so hard to prove them wrong
I gotta trust my instincts

I can see it in your eyes
You don't even have to lie
I don't understand
Why can't you be yourself around me
I can feel it when we talk
You don't have to play it off
I don't understand
Why can't you be yourself around me

I'm not lookin for a big time baller
I don't need no fairy tale
And I really don't wanna be bothered
If you can't be yourself
Everyone keeps saying that you feel me
And if that's really the case
You and me all the time baby
Now stop hidin' (Behind those shades)

I can see it in your eyes
You don't even have to lie
I don't understand
Why can't you be yourself around me
I can feel it when we talk
You don't have to play it off
I don't understand
Why can't you be yourself around me

Why can't you be yourself around me oh
I don't understand
Why can't you be why can't you be
Why can't you be yourself around me oh
I don't understand
Why can't you be why can't you be

I can see it in your eyes
You don't even have to lie
I don't understand
Why can't you be yourself around me
I can feel it when we talk
You don't have to play it off
I don't understand
Why can't you be yourself around me

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