T.A.T.U. - Doschitai Do Sta (Count Up To 100) In English Lyrics

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Artist: T.A.T.U.
Song Title: Doschitai Do Sta (Count Up To 100) In English
Visits: 615
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"Doschitai do sta (Count up to 100)
He said "I'm tired"
He won't be brought back
You're counting up to 100
You are dreaming of falling asleep

You're counting up to 100
100 random names
And you should sleep and don't think about him
And you should sleep and don't think about him
And you should sleep and don't think about him

Your boat is empty
near the alien coasts/ banks
You're counting up to 100
100 snows at a dawn

This theme/ subject is simple
You know what you shold do

You shold just count up to 100, and forget
You shold just count up to 100, and forget
You shold just count up to 100, and forget


So count, count, count up to 100
So count, count, count up to 100
So count, count, count up to 100
So count, count, count up to 100

4 5 6 7 8 ......

100 sleepless nights
In the labyrinths of love
100 random keys
But only zeroes as the result

100 friends, 100 enemies
100 melted icerocks

Be forgetting about him. 101, 101
Be forgetting about him, forgetting forever
Be forgetting about him, forgetting forever


So count, count, count up to 100
So count, count, count up to 100
So count, count, count up to 100
So count, count, count up to 100

59, 60, 61, 62 .....

So count, count, count up to 100
So count, count, count up to 100
So count, count, count up to 100
So count, count, count up"

Doschitai Do Sta (Count Up To 100) In English Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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Other T.A.T.U. song Lyrics
  • 30 Minut (English Version)
    "Mama, Papa,
    Forgive me.
    Out of sight
    Out of mind..."
  • 30 Minutes (Remix)
    "Out of sight
    Out of time, to decide
    For the rest of my life
    Can we fly..."
  • 30 Minutes (swedish)
    "Mamma, pappa
    F?rl?t mig
    Bortom synen
    Bortom minnet..."
  • 30 Minutos
    "Ya no veo
    Ya no siento
    Ya no hay tiempo
    De pensar..."
  • 30 Minut
    "Zaravet ubezhat
    Ili dver na zamok
    I molchat I lezhat
    Izuchat potolok..."
  • 30 minut (30 minutes)-English
    "Mama, Papa,
    Forgive me.
    Out of sight
    Out of mind..."
  • AElae luota aelae pelkaeae (Ne ver ne boysja) Finnish
    "Erilaisia ?it?, erilaisia ihmisi?
    Halua ei halua, rakkaus ei rakasta
    Joku kaatuu taakse, joku hypp?? pois
    Joku v?syy haluamiseen liikaa..."
  • All The Things She Said (119 Club Extended Vocal Mix)
    "All the things she said
    All the things she said
    All the things she said
    All the things she said........."

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