T.A.T.U. - Ja Tvoya Ne Pervaja (I Am Not Your First) Lyrics

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Artist: T.A.T.U.
Song Title: Ja Tvoya Ne Pervaja (I Am Not Your First)
Visits: 574
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Do you see wind?
So what?
Just look at the window.
So what?
It was sun yesterday.
So what?
Why are you always saying the same thing?
I am -answering machine.
Just to calm down,
Silence is gold,
Radio insomnia,
station parting.
Who will get who,
coins will show?
Who will be left to who,
By nerves, pills?
Behind the windows at night
(she) Will yell and break,
this doesn't count, this doesn_t count.
(She is) faithful, not faithful,
quite, sad.
I am not your first,
You are my sudden.

(you) Show, show, show, show,
show, show me love.
(you) show, show, show, show,
why, why I am with you.
(you) Show, show, show, show,
show, show me love.
(you) show, show, show, show,
why, why I am with you.

I guess (someone) will refuse,
Easier not to meat (not to introduce ourselves to each other)
Who of us will refuse,
Just to calm down.
Girls like girls,
And then- sleepwalkers.
Numbers and narrows,
Chocolate bars, wrappings.
(she) Will hide, cry,
Will, say, scare.
This doesn_t count, this doesn_t count
I am not your first,
You are my sudden.
(you) Show, show, show, show,
show, show me love.
(you) show, show, show, show,
why, why I am with you.
(you) Show, show, show, show,
show, show me love.
(you) show, show, show, show,
why, why I am with you.

[Ya Tvoya Ne Pervaya]

Vidish' veter?
Nu I chto?
Posmotri v okno,
Nu I chto?
A vchera bylo solntse,
Nu I chto?
Zachem ty vse vremya govorish' odno I tozhe?
A ya avtootvetchik.

Vzyat' I uspokoit'sya,
Zoloto Molchanie,
Radio bessonitsa,
Stantsiya proschanie.
Kto komu dostanetsya,
Vypadet monetkami?
Kto komu ostanets'ya
Nervami, tabletkami?
Za nochnymi oknami
Zakrichit, slomaetsya,
Eto ne schitaetsya, eto ne schitaetsya.
Vernaya, nevernaya,
Tikhaya, pechal'naya.
Ya tvoya ne pervaya,
Ty moya sluchainaya.

Pokazhi, pokazhi, pokazhi, pokazhi,
Pokazhi, pokazhi, mne lyubov'.
Pokazhi pokazhi, pokazhi, pokazhi.
Pochemu, pochemu ya s toboi.
Pokazhi, pokazhi, pokazhi, pokazhi,
Pokazhi, pokazhi, mne lyubov'.
Pokazhi, pokazhi, pokazhi, pokazhi.
Pochemu, pochemu, ya s toboi.

Kazhetsya, okazhetsya
Prosche ne znokomit'sya.
Kto iz nas otkazhetsya
Vzyat' I uspikoit'sya?
Devochki kak devochki,
A potom - lunatiki,
Nomera I strelochki
Shokoladki, fantiki.
Spryachetsya, rasplachetsya,
Skazhet, ispugaetsya.
Eto ne schitaetsya, eto ne schitaetsya.
Vernaya, nevervaya,
Tikhaya, pechal'naya.
Ya tvoya ne pervaya,
Ty moya sluchainaya.

Pokazhi, pokazhi, pokazhi, pokazhi,
Pokazhi, pokazhi, mne lyubov'.
Pokazhi pokazhi, pokazhi, pokazhi.
Pochemu, pochemu ya s toboi.
Pokazhi, pokazhi, pokazhi, pokazhi,
Pokazhi, pokazhi, mne lyubov'.
Pokazhi, pokazhi, pokazhi, pokazhi.
Pokazhi, mne lyubov'.....

Ja Tvoya Ne Pervaja (I Am Not Your First) Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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Other T.A.T.U. song Lyrics
  • 30 Minut (English Version)
    "Mama, Papa,
    Forgive me.
    Out of sight
    Out of mind..."
  • 30 Minutes (Remix)
    "Out of sight
    Out of time, to decide
    For the rest of my life
    Can we fly..."
  • 30 Minutes (swedish)
    "Mamma, pappa
    F?rl?t mig
    Bortom synen
    Bortom minnet..."
  • 30 Minutos
    "Ya no veo
    Ya no siento
    Ya no hay tiempo
    De pensar..."
  • 30 Minut
    "Zaravet ubezhat
    Ili dver na zamok
    I molchat I lezhat
    Izuchat potolok..."
  • 30 minut (30 minutes)-English
    "Mama, Papa,
    Forgive me.
    Out of sight
    Out of mind..."
  • AElae luota aelae pelkaeae (Ne ver ne boysja) Finnish
    "Erilaisia ?it?, erilaisia ihmisi?
    Halua ei halua, rakkaus ei rakasta
    Joku kaatuu taakse, joku hypp?? pois
    Joku v?syy haluamiseen liikaa..."
  • All The Things She Said (119 Club Extended Vocal Mix)
    "All the things she said
    All the things she said
    All the things she said
    All the things she said........."

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