Taupin Bernie - Hold Back The Night Lyrics

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Artist: Taupin Bernie
Song Title: Hold Back The Night
Visits: 713
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I walk a night beat
I walk for miles and I work hard
Eyes like a flashlight
Skimming through the alleys and the back yard
e man
I make mistakes and I lose my nerve
They try to convince me
This shield I wear will protect and serve

Wide awake each evening
I read the writing on the wall
You can't bribe the stars
You can't buy the moon
You can't hold back the night
Can't hold back the night
When the night begins to fall
When the night begins to fall

Now I live alone
And I take a drink and I lose my faith
She couldn't take
Those sleepless nights praying I was safe

I walk a mean street
Uneasy in this uniform I wear
Sometimes I wonder
Who's right, who's wrong, do I even care

Wide awake each evening
I read the writing on the wall
You can't bribe the stars
You can't buy the moon
You can't hold back the night
Can't hold back the night
When the night begins to fall
When the night begins to fall

What are heroes made of
When a shadow falls across the badge
I feel the fear inside me
And holding back the night
Holding back the night
Is the only chance I have

I'm not a brave man
I make mistakes and I lose my nerve
They try to convince me
This shield I wear will protect and serve

Wide awake each evening
I read the writing on the wall
You can't bribe the stars
You can't buy the moon
You can't hold back the night
Can't hold back the night
When the night begins to fall
When the night begins to fall

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    Produced and arranged by Martin Page
    additional keyboards, voice
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    Another tin cup shaken by some raggedy old man
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