Taxiride - Can You Feel Lyrics

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Artist: Taxiride
Song Title: Can You Feel
Visits: 764
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Can you feel?

Underneath the brave and brand new sky
A soldier's singing
So I'm writing you this letter won't be long
Till I meet you at the station

For you are the only one I'm thinking of
You are the one that has my love
While you're waiting patiently don't grieve for me
I'll be back someday
Never wanna be a hero too soon


Thought it seems to be so many years
Since I went away
I'm helpless now I've shed so many tears
Such a rainy day

Take me from this galaxy
Imaginate yourself with me through night and day
Wish upon a star that floats alone
To skies that always look over you
Never wanna get a bullet too soon?

Can you feel?
The raindrops falling down

Can you feel?

I can see rain on a distant plain
I could cry watching your picture fade
As the dust settles down after fire

Can you feel?
The raindrops falling down
Like a gentle gunshot fire
I keep moving on down

Can you feel?
Like a gentle gunshot fire
I keep moving on down

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    Long may the rain fall on me
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    It comes form the things you said..."
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  • Creeping Up Slowly
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