Taxiride - Ice Cream Lyrics

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Artist: Taxiride
Song Title: Ice Cream
Visits: 730
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I, I like ice cream
A kind of smooth kick taste takes away my mind
You, you ain't a better thing
But if you gotta big car take me for a ride

Folding my fingers thru your hair
Taking my time to look on
Dreaming of white chocolate lotion (uh)
I gotta find a better place where I can be another face
And people look on

Take me to Sunset Park
We'll find a better day (oh?) somewhere that's far away
Find me at Sunset Park
Lay back and make believe (we can be anything)
We're on our own

I, I ain't a jelly bean
A cellophane sun kiss takes away the time
But I, I'm going sugar-free (mmm)
When you get to sunset we'll go for a ride

Policeman in bright yellow raincoats
Waving the children goodbye
So I buy a dream with a short note
I gotta find a better place where I can be another face
And people look on

Take me to Sunset Park (Sunset Park)
We'll find a better day (oh?) somewhere that's far away
Find me at Sunset Park (Sunset Park)
Lay back and make believe (we can be anything)
We're on our own

Taken by surprise on this occasion
You left me for a sharper man than me
Ice cream, daydream, far away from here

Take me to Sunset Park (Sunset Park)
We'll find a better day (oh?)
Somewhere that's far away (oh, yeah)
Find me at Sunset Park (Sunset Park)
Lay back and make believe (we can be anything)
We're on our own

Take me to Sunset Park
La-la-li-la, la-la-li-la (oh?)
You find me at Sunset Park
La-la-li-la, la-la-li-la (oh

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  • Afterglow
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    i've pushed the door against your shoes
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    and now you say you can't decide..."
  • Back Again
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    I reside to my life so breezy
    Think of all the troubles overcome
    But I don't suppose that you'll ever see me..."
  • Can You Feel
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    Underneath the brave and brand new sky
    A soldier's singing
    So I'm writing you this letter won't be long..."
  • Counting Down The Days
    "Long may the sun shine on you
    Long may the rain fall on me
    I'm having trouble in my head
    It comes form the things you said..."
  • Creeping Up Slowly (Some Are Wrong I Think!)
    "Gotta do it
    So your running in circles got a bug in your head
    Feel the needles and pins get them out of my head
    Take a chance on a rumor..."

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