Taxis - Can You Say Lyrics

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Artist: Taxis
Song Title: Can You Say
Visits: 729
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can you tell me
whats goin on
can you tell me
what I'm doing wrong
can you tell me
why I don't belong
can you say can you say
that I'm OK
can you tell me
whats goin down
can you tell me
whats goin around
can you tell me
without a sound
can you say can you say
that I'm OK

can you say can you say
that I'm OK
can you say can you say
that I'm OK
can you say can you say
that I'm OK
can you say

can you tell me
just where you were
can you tell me
that you're still with her
can you tell me
because I'm not sure
can you say can you say
that I'm OK
can you tell me
that I've lost my mind
can you tell me
that I'm goin blind
can you tell me
that it's hard to find
can you say can you say
that I'm OK

can you say can you say
that I'm OK
can you say can you say
that I'm OK
can you say can you say
that I'm OK
can you say

can you tell me
why you want to go
can you tell me
because I want to know
can you tell me
why you want to go
can you say can you say
that I'm OK
can you tell me
because I'm still in pain
can you tell me
just whats your game
can you tell me
before I go insane
can you say can you say
that I'm OK

can you say can you say
that I'm OK
can you say can you say
that I'm OK
can you say can you say
that I'm OK
can you say

can you tell me
whats goin on
can you tell me
what I'm doin wrong
can you tell me
why I don't belong
can you say can you say
that I'm OK

can you say can you say
that I'm OK
can you say can you say
that I'm OK
can you say can you say
that I'm OK
can you say
woah yeah yeah yeah can you say

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