Taylor James - On the 4th of July Lyrics
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Taylor James Singer Lyrics
On the 4th of July Song Lyrics
Taylor James
October Road (0)
Song Title:
On the 4th of July
Print Version
Shall I tell it again how we started as friends
who would run into one another now and again.
At the Yippee Cai O or the Mesa Dupree, or a dozen different everyday places to be.
I was living alone, we were ever so brave on the telephone.
Would you care to come down for fireworks time,
we could each just reach, we step out of line.
And the smell of the smoke and the lay of the land
and the feeling of finding one's heart in one's hand
and the tiny tin voice of the radio band singing "love must stand,"
love forever and ever must stand.
Unbelievable you, impossible me, the fool who fell out of the family tree,
the fellow that found the philosopher's stone, deep underground like a dinosaur bone.
Who fell into you at a quarter to two with a tear in your eye for the Fourth of July
for the patriots and the minutemen and the things you believe they believed in then
Such as freedom, and freedom's land and the kingdom of God and the rights of man
with the tiny tin voice of the radio band singing "love must stand,"
love forever and ever must stand and forever must stand.
Oh, the smell of the smoke as we lay on the land
and the feeling of finding my heart in my hand
with the tiny tin voice of the radio band singing "love must stand,"
love forever and ever must stand and forever must stand.
All on the Fourth of July, on the Fourth of July.
On the 4th of July Lyrics
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Other Taylor James song Lyrics
September Grass
"Well, the sun's not so hot in the sky today
And you know I can see summertime slipping on away
A few more geese are gone, a few more leaves turning red
But the grass is as soft as a feather in a featherbed..."
October Road
"Well I'm-a going back down maybe one more time
Deep down home, October Road
And I might like to see that little friend of mine
That I left behind once upon a time..."
Belfast To Boston
There are rifles buried in the countryside for the rising of the moon
May the lie there long forgotten till they rust away into the ground
Who will bend this ancient hatred, will the killing to an end..."
Mean Old Man
"On my own
How could I have known?
Imagine my surprise
Just a fool..."
My Traveling Star
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My traveling star, my traveling star
Watch over all of those born St. Christopher's Day
Old road dog, young runaway..."
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"I was raised up family
Man I'm glad I'm on my own
I was raised up family
Man I'm glad I'm on my own..."
Carry Me On My Way
"I forget what to ask for
There isn't anything I haven't been given
How could I wish for anything more
As I am here living in heaven..."
Caroline I See You
"Caroline, I see you
Standing on the stairway
Waiting for your bear there
Handy on the landing..."
...Show All
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Taylor James Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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