Taylor Thompson - Sun Down Lyrics

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Artist: Taylor Thompson
Song Title: Sun Down
Visits: 714
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Sun down, Friday twilight
in the big town
Party people getting rain down
Somewhere, baby, I know you're waiting to see this vibrating

Stacey: The city's in a heat wave
Waiting 4 the sun shade
Hoping that the evening will chill down the streets

And I'm a little hot 2
cause I can only think of u
Hoping that 2nite you'll find out what I like

Sun down, Friday twilite
in the big town
Party people getting rain down
Somewhere, baby, I know you're waiting to see this vibrating
Sun down, air is cooling on the hot pounds
Love and first town getting rain down
Somewhere, baby, I know you're waiting to see this vibrating

I don't know if you see me
Don't know if you're not dreaming
Hoping for someone who can show you who you are

Tonight I'm going find you
Finding on the rave behind you
Take you from this club land and send to the stars

Sun down, Friday twilight
in the big town
Party people getting rain down
Somewhere, baby, I know you're waiting to see this vibrating
Sun down, air is cooling on the hot pounds
Love and first town getting rain down
Somewhere, baby, I know you're waiting to see this vibrating
Bring back, back and forth

Time, don't need to rush, we can make it right
cause we are meant to be, you and I
If only I would bring all around, all around
Say you're longing too, cause I will move for you

Sun down, Friday twilight
in the big town
Party people getting rain down
Somewhere, baby, I know you're waiting to see this vibrating
Sun down, air is cooling on the hot pounds
Love and first town getting rain down
Somewhere, baby, I know you're waiting to see this vibrating
Sun down, Friday twilight
in the big town
Party people getting rain down

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  • The Shoop Shoop Song
    "Does he love me?
    I wanna know,
    How can I tell if he loves me so?
    Oh no don't be deceived..."

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