Team Dresch - REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE Lyrics

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Artist: Team Dresch
Visits: 742
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Takes notes from a movie box Make a list of what I need Remember who you are,

remember who you are But then, I can't feel good about anything And just when i

get something started I read or hear something, that makes me forget My

confidence or honesty What are my motives are they selfless enough, Are they

righteous, righteous enough? Then before I get started, I get all fucked up Can't

get sick of thinking about meaning or language or anything that gets me hot Make

up who you are, it makes up who you are Then I found myself dancing alone in

my room I was writing in my journal, playing records When i felt my shoulders

slide from side to side I found the bass in my hips Being alone brings courage and

strength of mind Take off your shirt and watch TV Remember who you are, and

make up who you are But then I just want a public place Where girls can meet

each others stare Sometimes that;s what it takes just to know you're alive To feel

yourself burning just from some girl's stare My that's a strange costume Slip your

fingers under my belt Put up signs to make up who you are Send out signals

telling who you are Transmit messages about who you are No matter who you are

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  • 107
    "you want it it's coming only it's just the time before fall hand me your jacket now i
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    get off of you get off of you

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    me feel better anyway Can't get myself to eat, trick myself and watch TV Even..."
    "would understand cause all you know is what you think, you have a grasp on something. When you're holding on to me,..."
    "how did i do not good fuck me i spent the last ten days of my life not getting any
    sleep well how do i do i don't fuck you i spent the last ten days of my life
    searching for you what have you i heard i heard everything and all that has
    changed i have no clean clothes selling my heart plus delusion plus nowhere left..."
    "whole lot of things to say but i can't seem to hold on moved away it pulls me back
    to what i miss like talking talking talking to the mad queen about emotional evolution
    well i do what i do and i don't need you t o tell me what's in and tell me who's cool
    i've got no money left and the mean world around me and i don't need that girl to..."
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    and I cry out so my loneliness won't get the best of me
    I can see a brave tomorrow when I might just leave this town
    after all these days and nights of anxious sadness left me tired and doubting..."

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