Tears Of A Phoenix - Memories Lyrics

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Artist: Tears Of A Phoenix
Song Title: Memories
Visits: 652
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So life sucks, But it's getting better
How can I throw away these treasures?
So many memories. It's so hard to believe
That so many people are living alone,
So many hearts are breaking at home
But now that I have you,
How can I refuse?

This is for all the lonely ones.
This is for all the broken hearts.
Tears will shed but days get better,
Look ahead for better weather.
This is for all the shattered souls,
Who sit alone at home,
And dream about those happy days.
Those dreams seem so far away.

How can it be true?
How can I have lost you?
My heart cracks, and breaks in two
I'm bleeding inside cause I miss you.
I don't wanna feel this pain.
I don't wanna go home today.
Memories of you, sit waiting in my room.

This is for all the lonely ones.
This is for all the broken hearts.
Tears will shed but days get better,
Look ahead for better weather.
This is for all the shattered souls,
Who sit alone at home.
And dream about those happy days,
Those dreams seem so far away.

As I walk through the door,
Your pictures are scattered on my floor.
They force my mind back to those days.
Memories that won't go away.
As I lie on my bed,
And think about what you said,
I begin to cry, and smile too.
These memories are all about you.

This is for all the lonely ones.
This is for all the broken hearts.
Tears will shed but days get better,
Look ahead for better weather.
This is for all the shattered souls,
Who sit alone at home,
And dream about those happy days.
Those dreams seem so far away.

This is for all the shattered souls,
Who sit alone at home,
And dream about those happy days.
Those dreams seem so far away, so far away.

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Other Tears Of A Phoenix song Lyrics
  • Audience Of One
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    A light shines through.
    Here in this dark room,
    This light shines on you...."
  • Beautiful
    "When I stare into your beautiful eyes,
    You stare back in mine.
    When you hold me oh so tight,
    So are we on the way to love or,..."
  • Bleeding Heart
    "My heart bleeds for you,
    Exactly how you wanted it to.
    Look at me sweating blood,
    Pierced skin as I hang above...."
  • Fighting Friends Never End
    "Friendships falling apart,
    Weird times these are.
    What?s wrong with the world today?
    From ally to enemy,..."
  • Growing Up
    "College is here!!!
    College life seems like a strife,
    But it?s alright for me,
    So it seems worth this to me...."
  • I Am Me And Me Only
    "Dress me up in what you think is me,
    Black shoes, jeans, and a crummy tee,
    But that?s not always me.
    You build me up and take me down,..."
  • Last Goodbye
    "For now our last goodbye,
    We leave with a thousand tears in our eyes,
    Silence covers our every word,
    Not knowing what to say,..."
  • My Equatic Formula
    "I feel so passionate,
    But my only choice is to stay passive,
    Cause again chance has denied me a chance,
    To jump ahead and grasp an opportunity...."
  • ...Show All

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