Ted Grdestad - Blue Virgin Isles Lyrics

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Artist: Ted Grdestad
Song Title: Blue Virgin Isles
Visits: 1041
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Leavin the Blue Virgin Isles
you had a heart like a childs
Rain keeps on fallin
But when we were young
We chased the clouds from the sun

Darlinwe fell to the ground
just like the leaves when theyre brown
Rain keeps on fallin
like tears from my eyes
leavin the Blue Virgin Isles

Not so long ago -
your life was blooming
you had time enough to grow
I used to watch you from my window when you passed
on the sunburned grass

you and I would know -
we ran in meadows while the days were going slow
rolled our trousers when we waded down the creek
and jumped the stones on naked feets

Rain keeps on fallin
but when we were young
we chased the clouds from the sun

darlin we fell to the ground
fell just like leaves when theyre brown
still I remember your face with a smile
leavin the Blue Virgin Isles

Walked along the beach
where kites were flying out
of everybodys reach
we were children building
castles in the sand
with our freezing hands

Here I stand alone
Im like a blind man tapping roads
that leads him home
I have to make it to the other side of life
and find my way with open eyes

Leavin the Blue Virgin Isles
you had a heart like a child
Rain keeps on fallin
but when we were young
we chased the clouds from the sun

darlin we fell to the ground
fell just like leaves when theyre brown
still I remember our days with a smile
leavin the Blue Virgin Isles

frn LP:n "Blue Virgin Isles" 1978

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