Ted Leo And The Pharmacists - The Anointed One Lyrics

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Artist: Ted Leo And The Pharmacists
Ted Leo And The Pharmacists Author
Album: Hearts of Oak (2003)
Ted Leo And The Pharmacists - Hearts of Oak Album
Song Title: The Anointed One
Genre: Rock
Visits: 592
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the annointed one - fathers favorite son
now we see, long before the race, you'd already won.
oh beautified, with the softest eyes,
these days I can't escape your face, do you remember mine?
oh, it haunts me.
ooh, what a fool I must have been.
we saw red, not green, when we were nineteen.
now something's different,
something happened, somewhere therebetween.
by the river bend,
did I misapprehend your sincerity
or is it that you have changed, friend?
oh, it haunts me.
ooh, how could I not have seen what you'd become?
but you fooled everyone.
lace curtains in our slum.
you are the annointed one.
watching you grow with the pride of a friend,
kissing off school - there were rules to be bent.
knelt by your side through our crises of faith.
mine was on time, but for you it was already too late.
in the capitol, with your freezer full,
do you represent your district, or your daddy's will?
oh, it haunts me.
ooh, how could i not have seen what you'd become?
but you fooled everyone.
lace curtains in our slum.
you are the annointed one.
What have you become?
Ah! You fooled everyone.
Lace cutains in our slum.
You were the annointed one.

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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Hearts of Oak" album, click "Ted Leo And The Pharmacists Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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