Tee Bone - Fly-Bi Lyrics

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Artist: Tee Bone
Song Title: Fly-Bi
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F the L the Y the B the I the Sparks the Kie, got you flying high X 3

The F the L the Y the B the I....

Rolling with the S the P the A the R the K the S,this a ma DJ coming in fresh, some a do it like that some a do it like this.

Rolling with the S the P the A the R the K the S

This a my DJ coming in fresh, I like it when the beat dus kick, listen to my DJ who's in the mix, wit a box of tricks, yo with a flick of the wrist, all the ladies in sight, to make them move or jump or twist, this, who's in my DJ who's in the mix, in tho wit a box of tricks, as the ladies in sight make them jump and wa wa jump twist.

Check 1 set into gear, have no fear Sparks and Kie are here, let us all roll with the atmosphere, ravers there and here, to many MC's sound the same, play with the music like a game, hit to lovers who afraid of fame, yes my DJ you gotta gain, when it rain's, gonna poor, ravers get down hit the dance floor, Kie up on the mic Lyrical laying down the law half of them like it raw, from the bottom to the top, like it cold, like it hot, DJ MC gotta, gotta roll, gotta roll shake, razzle BO.

Hold the beat, stop the beat, drop the beat, give me a second, what do you reckon, its MC sparks and Kie on a mission, there's no confusion, hold the bass, drop the bass, drop the bass, hear the sounds, we're in session, now music's my foundation, we're here to rock the nation, with a wheel, a dealing your giving a my feeling, Sparks on a man a man a mic that's talking, I like when the beats are rolling, who's on the mic controlling, with a wheel, a dealing your giving a my feeling, Sparks on a man a man a mic that's talking I like when the beats are bumping, who's on the mic controlling.

You know what you gotta do, don't come with that attitude, Kie Sparks are in the venue, the ravers like that its flat give me that, K kinder surprise, I into your eyes, E just realize, write your answers no disguise, flip that coin see what you get, bound to get while were making it set, DJ, MC on the project, get down, get down its time to inject, garage sound again the one the ravers a recommend, you know we love you lot, 10 out of 10, selecta, give me that a mix and blend.

F the L the Y the B the I the Sparks the Kie, got you flying high X 3

The F the L the Y the B the I....

O IM calling promoter, oh oh oh oh oh, lets put pen to paper, bbbbbrrrr stick'em ar ar stick'em, put the two of we, on the flyer guaranteed to get the rave hyper, you know what to do, its the rub a dub ride inside the venue, going out to the raving crew, shake a leg or two, MC Sparks that's a bubbling too, rub a dub ride, inside the venue, listen to the DJ on the 1s and the 2s, whether your sad or whether your blue, going out to the raving crew, hear to get confused hear the news.

F the L the Y the B the I the Sparks the Kie, got you flying high X 3

The F the L the Y the B the I....

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