Teen Idols - Shadowman Lyrics

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Artist: Teen Idols
Song Title: Shadowman
Visits: 632
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Everyday I sit and stare

and guess the color of your underwear

but you don't even notice me

I think I need you hopelessly

Sometimes when you're lost in thought

I dream you think it's me you want

but then I know I'm just a fool

'cause you're the hottest girl in school

Someday soon I'll say hello and you will smile

then you'll know me for who I am

we'll talk awhile, we'll talk awhile

I am just your shadowman

but I'm doing the best I can

seems you don't just give a damn

about this lonely shadowman

please look back and know we can

kiss and hold each other's hand

why can't you just understand

I'm better than a shadowman

Touched you once as you passed by

thinking of your other guy

I raised my hand to touch your hair

but you didn't even notice that I was standing there

When I lie in bed at night

after turning out the light

I wonder what you're doing now

and if you're keeping up your vows

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