Tegan Sara - One Month Lyrics

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Artist: Tegan Sara
Song Title: One Month
Visits: 553
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one month to the day
that you said that you?d never change
and if I am right
then you were always wrong
you gotta handle this while
old man behind his walls
and all day long he's fielding calls
says this whole world is gonna shut down without me
well let?s see
and show your hands to me
and show your hands to
sinking into your queen sized kingdom
I?m begging you to stay stay stay
and sinking into your queen sized kingdom
I?m begging you to go go go
and take your pride
no room here for you anymore
take your pride
no room here for you anymore
if you go how do I know that
if you go how do I know that
if you go how do I know that
you?ll be back again
cos in the end you always
come for me
one month to the day
that you said that you?d never change
and if I am right
then you were always wrong
you gotta handle this while
an old man behind his walls
and all day long he's fielding calls
said this whole world is gonna shut down without me
well let?s see
and show your hands to
sinking into your queen sized kingdom
I?m begging you to stay stay stay
and sinking into your queen sized kingdom
I?m begging you baby go go go
and take your pride
no room here for you anymore
take your pride
no room here for you anymore
if you go how do I know that
if you go how do I know that
if you go how do I know that
you?ll be back again
cos in the end you always
you come for me

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Other Tegan Sara song Lyrics
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    "here the lights fall just as hard a bit softer in the stall
    it's not really wrong it's not really right
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    she's upfront upshot upstart up in every case..."
  • And Darling
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    You love me more each time you
    Look into my eyes I feel like
    I know you don?t mean to be mean..."
  • Beauty
    ""Woke up with beauty in my bed
    And isn't it sad
    How We don't know it's beauty until it's dead
    And it's beauty that I knew so well..."
  • Buried Alive
    "She said she?d live her life more wisely
    And so I let her wake up beside me
    He says he?d give up almost anything
    If I let him live his life next to me..."
  • Burried Alive
    ""She said she?d live her life more wisely
    And so I let her wake up beside me
    He says he?d give up almost anything
    If I let him live his life next to me..."
  • Celebration
    "that stream the angels like at first
    you're a threat and promising no
    between the houses and the stop signs
    your eyes your future like it all..."
  • City Girl
    "i cried so hard that you pushed me further away
    i screamed so loud you called the police on me
    i got so city girl on you
    i get so sad that sad gets to be..."
  • Clever Meals
    "They're all desperate for love and affection
    No they're desperate for you,
    And as you sit up there
    All sly and *sure I want it*..."

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