Tegan Sara - The First Lyrics

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Artist: Tegan Sara
Song Title: The First
Visits: 612
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stand up sit down baby
gonna be a formal dress down hay day
we decide why not go downtown
how about you and me we go get wasted
you'll have, you'll have to excuse me
why don't we get wasted
please please, please excuse me
hey lets get wasted
you'll have, you'll have to excuse me
this will be my first time
by definition from grade school to English 30
we quietly become strong so early
take it or leave it they can't believe it
they go from kindergarten to killing sprees
they go from heartache to inner peace
100 foot ceilings 100 percent deceit
he said let's leave this between you and me
my cats watch my stuff leave my house
between you and me the cat burglars are
what did you see what did you steal
tell me baby how does it feel
yeah how do you feel
it's a top ten list of the things that move me the most
it's a top ten list of the things that bother me the most
a top ten list of the things that scare me the most
I'd have to say that the future
wasting time in the fast food line
I decide to walk the fine line
and celebrate life celebrate death I choose
to celebrate the first
I celebrate the first
we decide to go out walking
the whole time that we're talking
convinced that we're living
the whole time that we're dying
we decide to go out walking
the whole time that you're talking
convinced that you're living
the whole time that I'm dying
keeps me on my toes where did the time go
you keep me on my toes where did the time go
on the edge of town where the gravel's thin they're
gonna wear you down
until you're thin and tired tired tired
of wasting time in the fast food line
I decide to walk the fine line and
celebrate life celebrate death I choose to celebrate
the first to come the first to go the first to say yes
the first to say no
I'm gonna seize this moment
the first to come the first to go the first to say yes
first to say no

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Other Tegan Sara song Lyrics
  • All You Got
    "here the lights fall just as hard a bit softer in the stall
    it's not really wrong it's not really right
    I'm wide awake
    she's upfront upshot upstart up in every case..."
  • And Darling
    "Creep up and tell me that you
    You love me more each time you
    Look into my eyes I feel like
    I know you don?t mean to be mean..."
  • Beauty
    ""Woke up with beauty in my bed
    And isn't it sad
    How We don't know it's beauty until it's dead
    And it's beauty that I knew so well..."
  • Buried Alive
    "She said she?d live her life more wisely
    And so I let her wake up beside me
    He says he?d give up almost anything
    If I let him live his life next to me..."
  • Burried Alive
    ""She said she?d live her life more wisely
    And so I let her wake up beside me
    He says he?d give up almost anything
    If I let him live his life next to me..."
  • Celebration
    "that stream the angels like at first
    you're a threat and promising no
    between the houses and the stop signs
    your eyes your future like it all..."
  • City Girl
    "i cried so hard that you pushed me further away
    i screamed so loud you called the police on me
    i got so city girl on you
    i get so sad that sad gets to be..."
  • Clever Meals
    "They're all desperate for love and affection
    No they're desperate for you,
    And as you sit up there
    All sly and *sure I want it*..."

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