Tegan Sara - Underwater Lyrics

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Artist: Tegan Sara
Song Title: Underwater
Visits: 559
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Underwater I wrote drowning
I use to be such good good swimmer
But for now my heads is in the clouds
I'm a silly love song
a twisted elbow crush song
I would go to jail with only boys
Just to prove I was as tough as you
And when I get out for good behavior
I'll be writing love songs
silly banginf knee songs
I'm a car crash
But I have to get up
And every morning it's a cleanup
All I need is time, time to love you
The forecast is grey
Bute we're staying inside
You must live close
I've seen you drive by
I left signs on the lawn
Where have they gone?
Did you take them to tease me
To follow or lead me?
You're a silly love song
A verse chorus and such
some silly love sogn
A verse chorus and such
I'm a car crash
But I have to get up
And every morning it's a cleanup
All I need is time, time to love you
All I need is time, all I need is time
All I need is time, time to love you
All I need is time, all I need is time
All I need is time, time to love you
All I need is time, time to love you
Time to love you

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Other Tegan Sara song Lyrics
  • All You Got
    "here the lights fall just as hard a bit softer in the stall
    it's not really wrong it's not really right
    I'm wide awake
    she's upfront upshot upstart up in every case..."
  • And Darling
    "Creep up and tell me that you
    You love me more each time you
    Look into my eyes I feel like
    I know you don?t mean to be mean..."
  • Beauty
    ""Woke up with beauty in my bed
    And isn't it sad
    How We don't know it's beauty until it's dead
    And it's beauty that I knew so well..."
  • Buried Alive
    "She said she?d live her life more wisely
    And so I let her wake up beside me
    He says he?d give up almost anything
    If I let him live his life next to me..."
  • Burried Alive
    ""She said she?d live her life more wisely
    And so I let her wake up beside me
    He says he?d give up almost anything
    If I let him live his life next to me..."
  • Celebration
    "that stream the angels like at first
    you're a threat and promising no
    between the houses and the stop signs
    your eyes your future like it all..."
  • City Girl
    "i cried so hard that you pushed me further away
    i screamed so loud you called the police on me
    i got so city girl on you
    i get so sad that sad gets to be..."
  • Clever Meals
    "They're all desperate for love and affection
    No they're desperate for you,
    And as you sit up there
    All sly and *sure I want it*..."

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