Tego Calderon - Taste My Ice Cream Lyrics

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Artist: Tego Calderon
Song Title: Taste My Ice Cream
Visits: 916
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Come and get a scoop of my ice cream, baby
JS got the flavors that I know will drive you crazy
Tonight it's gon' be like we were streamin', baby
Won't you taste my ice cream

Baby, you know I've got all the flavors that you want
Plus I got all the skills that I need to turn you on
Vanilla, strawberries, chocolate, baby boy, it's on
Now tell me can you picture my body on a cone

Baby, come lay your body right here I wanna ride it
Switch it up, turn it around, now come and get inside it
Tonight you're gonna have so much fun while tastin' my love
Tell me do you have a taste for vanilla wafers

Come and get a scoop om my ice cream, baby (Ice cream, yeah)
JS got the flavors that I know will dive you crazy (Flavors, yeah)
Tonight it's gon' be like (Yeah, yeah) we were streamin', baby (Won't you)
Won't you taste my ice cream

Now boy, it's getting late so don't hesitate, lets get to it
Just put the Chocolate Factory CD on and watch me lose it
Come in my story, like ending know what is it you want
Bananas mixed with peach, mixed with cherries, mixed with lime

Lots of all kinds, apples or lemon-lime
Come and try my coconut, it's gonna blow your mind
{Taste my ice cream} This is somethin' you wouldn't wanna miss, baby
31 flavors ain't got nothin' on this

Come and get a scoop of my ice cream, baby {Ooh}
JS got the flavors that I know will drive you crazy {Crazy, crazy, yeah}
Tonight it's gon' be like we were streamin', baby {Oh}
Won't you taste {Taste} my {My} ice {Ice} cream {Cream}

You ain't never seen (You ain't never seen milky water falls) {No,no}
You ain't never seen {You ain't never seen gumdrop walls) {No}-acap

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  • Amigo Mio
    Tego, Tego,
    Soy yo, Soy yo
    jo, jo..."
  • Bonsai (F Maestro)
    "Hey, hey, hey
    Whatchoo' gonna say
    Si la pista es buena
    El resto es un mamey..."
  • Brinquen (F Trebol Clan)
    El Aballarde
    Mujeres que bailen..."
  • Cambumbo
    "Las ganas tuyas e cantar mas que yo
    con mi produccin loco, te humillo
    a la puerta del estudio ponle el pestillo
    prende la alarma en contra e los pillos..."
  • Cosa Buena
    "Aja yo! Deja te llevar carnal lo diferente, el aballarde
    Tego Calde Dj Black
    Mira quien llega, cosa buena
    El negro Calde sin problema..."

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