TELEVISION - Little Johnny Jewel Lyrics

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Album: The Blow Up CD2 (1991)
TELEVISION - The Blow Up CD2 Album
Song Title: Little Johnny Jewel
Genre: Rock
Visits: 614
Print Version

Now Little Johnny Jewel,
Oh, he's so cool,
He has no decision,
He's just trying to tell a vision.
Some thought that this was sad,
And others thought it mad,
They just scratching the surface,
JJ can do the floor kiss.
Was he on display?
No, no, not today.
All that guy ever said,
He said, "I want my little wing-head".
He half-asleep at night
Over his head, sensation of flight.
And he wake up dreaming,
And he run down to the airport,
The rush, the roar,
And he crouched down behind a fence,
With a chest full of lights,
He loses his senses...

Oh Little Johnny Jewel,
He's so cool,
But if you see him looking lost
You ain't gotta come on so boss!
And you know that he's paid,
You know that he's paid the price,
All you gotta do for that guy
Is wink your eye.

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