Temple Shirley - The Dream Lyrics

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Artist: Temple Shirley
Song Title: The Dream
Visits: 689
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Lyrics/Music P.D.

Your highness please forgive me
But something has gone amiss
There is an angry woman outside
To report a stolen kiss

Tell her she must go away
Come around some other day
I have told her, but she won't
You must see her, if you don't
She'll scream her head off
Tell her to hush
She won't be hushed
Then tell her to shush
I'm afraid she won't be shushed

I won't be shushed, I won't be hushed
I know my rights, I know the law
And I know also what I saw
What did you see
I saw him
You saw who, I mean whom
I saw that lad steal a kiss
From that shameless little miss

Don't be fooled by all their shyness
Their a wicked pair your highness
There's a law I understand
Against kissing in this land
There is a law that reads like this
No one is to steal a kiss

Ah but Princess I've a feeling
This is not a case of stealing
Silence fool, I know the law
What I say I saw I saw
What I saw
She's on a see-saw
I saw you saw he saw she saw
On a see saw on a see saw
I saw you saw he saw she saw

What she tells us may be true
And if it is what can we do
If you ask me we should listen
To the lad who did the kissin'

I object t'would not be wise
He would only tell you lies
Let him speak, come lad this way
Now then what have you to say

Please your highness, I confess
When I saw such loveliness
It was too much to resist
I just thought she should be kissed
So I kissed her, kissed her twice
It was very very nice
So he kissed her, kissed her twice
It was very very nice

There you see, he broke the law
What I say I saw I saw
Please don't start all that again
But he stole a kiss that's plain
Yes it looks as if its true
And I'll have to punish you

No please, let me say a word
It is not the way you heard
Please, he did not steal a kiss
I gave it to him, just like this

There you see, I had a feeling
This was not a case of stealing
I'm not sure, its not quite plain
Could I see that kiss again

You were right, I have a feeling
This was not a case of stealing
Right the law has been abused
This lad has falsely been accused
He is hers and she is his'n
That old witch should go to prison

Your a very wicked woman
Princess I am only human
Listen to the old grand mommy
Your a nasty peeping tommy

Banish her from here forever
Never show your face here never
Banish her from here forever
Never show your face here never
What I say I saw I saw
I know my rights, I know the law

Come, and sit beside me here
Your kiss has made things very clear
Thank you Princess
Don't thank me
It was that kiss that set you free

Now we're through with this arrangement
Let us have some entertainment
Bring the dancers bring the singers
Bring the good old welting ringers

The new ballerina, she pleases you
She's a very good dancer
She looks familiar too

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