Ten Hands - Zapatos Lyrics

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Artist: Ten Hands
Song Title: Zapatos
Visits: 638
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It was just the other day
I was sitting on my bed
When a very disconcerting thought
Occurred to my head
I hadn't seen my shoes
In a couple of days
I knew I had better find them
Any old way

So I got down on my knees
I started sifting through my clothes
And I scared up a very rank aroma
Gently wafted up my nose
I started into shivers
I started into shakes
Cause I knew if I didn't find my Zapatos
I wasn't going to make IT! you know

Don't they ask me ask me Zapatos holds ???
Don't they ask me ask me Zapatos holds
I really want to know
Yes, I really want to know
Don't they ask me ask me Zapatos holds

I started to feel ogky
My eyes began to tear up
Cause I was searching in vain for my Zapatos
It was a bad dream like I was running through syrup
I started to hallucinate
I started to oscillate
My mind began to modulate
If I was a girl, I would have probably began to ovulate

I looked into the sky
And I had to ask my maker "Why?
Why can't I find my Zapatos, Dude?
Well, I need them"
I've been serious minsconstrued

Don't they ask me ask me Zapatos holds ???
Don't they ask me ask me Zapatos holds
I really want to know
Yes, I really want to know
Don't they ask me ask me Zapatos holds

It was a very bad situation
My prospects was weak
I searched underneath my bed for my Zapatos
I must tell you the outcome was bleak

I might break out in hives
I might develop a rash
Cause stuffed in the toes of my Zapatos
That's where I keep my stach

Don't they ask me ask me Zapatos holds ???
Don't they ask me ask me Zapatos holds
I really want to know
Yes, I really want to know
Don't they ask me ask me Zapatos holds

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Other Ten Hands song Lyrics
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    Everybody talks about love now.
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    Nobody knows what it means..."
  • Bushlock Sadie
    "Comin' home to Bushlock Sadie
    She's my woman, she's my baby
    Comin' home ot Bushlock Sadie
    Pretty little woman gonna drive me crazy......"
  • Bye Bye
    "I had a dream
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    you looked so real..."
  • Bye-Bye
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    a particular scene
    though now it gets hard to remember
    you looked so real..."
  • Cast Out Your Demons
    "everybody's talking
    talking all about you
    don't pretend that you don't know
    seems you got a problem..."
  • Castle On The Hill
    "gotta wonder how you sleep at night
    with the front door locked
    and the windows drawn up tight
    in your castle up on the hill..."

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