Tendo - Sometimes All The Time Lyrics
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Sometimes All The Time Song Lyrics
Song Title:
Sometimes All The Time
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I like to think
that your my best friend
but sometimes im not sure
I like to think
that this will never end
but again im not sure
but when i see you with him
it all falls apart in my head
and i when i see him with you
i simply wish that i was dead
(dead man dead)
Sometimes im all alone
you prefer to spend your time with him
sometimes on the phone
you prefer to talk to him and not me
maybe its just in my head
but this isnt what I signed up for
maybe your not the one for me
but things seemed so great the week before
Why cant you understand me?
Why cant you always stand by
Why cant you see through him for what he really is?(chorus)
Why cant you understand me?
Why cant you always stand by
Why cant you see through him for what he really is?
I wanna tell you how I feel
but i dont wanna screw this up
if only I could look you in the eye
and tell you ive had enough
Have You ever heard the song
"i wanna girl who laughs for no one else"
your only friends now but when its over he'll want you for him self
Why cant you understand me?
Why cant you always stand by
Why cant you see through him for what he really is?(chorus)
Why cant you understand me?
Why cant you always stand by
Why cant you see through him for what he really is?
You only think your friends
that i dunno what im on about
you tell me Im just being a dick
But when I see you again it hurts me
deep inside,you could say it makes me fucking sick
Why cant you understand me?
Why cant you always stand by
Why cant you see through him for what he really is?(chorus)
Why cant you understand me?
Why cant you always stand by
Why cant you see through him for what he really is?
You only think your friends
that i dunno what im on about
you tell me Im just being a dick
But when I see you again it hurts me
deep inside,you could say that it makes me fucking sick
Why cant you understand me?
Why cant you always stand by
Why cant you see through him for what he really is?(chorus)
Why cant you understand me?
Why cant you always stand by
Why cant you see through him for what he really is?
Sometimes All The Time Lyrics
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Other Tendo song Lyrics
Why I Never Tried
"i dont know why i never ever try
i told you i loved u a million times
but weve reached the end
and i cant comprehend..."
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