Terminator X - It All Comes Down to the Money Lyrics

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Artist: Terminator X
Song Title: It All Comes Down to the Money
Visits: 811
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f/ Whodini

[ CHORUS: Whodini ]

It all comes down to the money

Whether it's rainy or snowy or sunny

Funny, but it all comes down to the money

I'm in it

I'm in it for the cash

I'm in it for the cash

[ Jalil ]

I got a girl, but she's only mine some of the time

Cause some of the time she's hard to find

Especially when my pockets ain't lookin correct

She ain't lookin correct, she ain't havin no respect

Cause back in the days I wasn't all that wack

I wouldn't call that wack when I was Jimmy Mack

The ends would never end and I had mad friends

But I had mad friends till the ends were spent

Now my girl is Audi like Jetta, yo

She's only Jetta cause my dough was low

Now she's on the hunt like a little stunt

Like a little stunt, but the truth is rather blunt


[ Khadejia Bass ]

It all comes down to money

It all comes down to money

And it all comes down to money (2x)

[ Ecstacy ]

My man is my man only some of the time

Cause some of the time he's like hard to find

An on the down low type of business man

The tpye of business man who doesn't really have a plan

Livin kinda hard for a lot his days

It seems that nowadays he has the phrase that pays

Seal it in the vial as he calls to the dime

And it's good for a dime, but he don't call it a crime

Until he got knocked by the D.E.A.

And now the D.E.A. went and took the kid away

And now I never see him while he do a bid

While he do a bid - here's the real truth, kid

[ CHORUS ] (2x)

The more you get

The more you want

The more you get

Yet the more you want...

[ Khadejia Bass ]

It all comes down to money

It all comes down to money

[ Jalil ]

People always kickin 'say no to drugs'

But yo, the ??focal drugs?? into the hood makes me bug

I could make a million sellin flesh to folks

But sellin flesh to folks is just a hooker, let me quote

[ Ecstacy ]

See, you can lose your loot on the celo set

Cause on the celo set a lot of slippin into debt

See, I could talk for days about friends of mine

And how friends of mine and other people fall behind

[ Jalil ]

A lot of these preachers on your TV set

Are on your TV set to take your loot, then jet

[ Ecstacy ]

But how to get ahead is real simple, though

It's kinda simple, though, here's the truth, yo


[ Khadejia Bass ]

It all comes down to money

It all comes down to money

And it all comes down to money

It all comes down to money

What you're gonna do?

What you're gonna do?

Oh, what you're gonna do?

What you're gonna do, oh yeah

It all comes down to money

It all comes down to money

And it all comes down to money

It all comes down to money

What you're gonna do?

What you're gonna do?

Oh yeah, what you gonna do?

What you're gonna do, oh yeah



What you're gonna do?

What you're gonna do?

Oh yeah

You're gonna make me love somebody else

What you're gonna do?

Oh yeah

You're gonna make me love somebody else


You're gonna make me love somebody else

If you keep on treatin me the way you do

(I'm not gonna do it

I'm not gonna do it) (2x)

So what you gonna do?

So what you gonna do-oo-oo-ooh?

So what you gonna do?

What you gonna do?

Oh yeah

It all comes down to money

It all comes down to money

It all comes down to money

And it all comes down to money

What you gonna do?

It All Comes Down to the Money Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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