Terry Winter - Our Love Lyrics

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Artist: Terry Winter
Song Title: Our Love
Visits: 618
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Can you live without my love?
Now I can't live without you
Can you live without my dreams?
Now I can't dream without you

No, no I still can't undertand
Why don't we live all we planned
Why don't we dream anymore like before
Where, where is the that we had
Where all the love does it mean
Why then don't last here no more

Can you live without a smile?
Now I can't smile without you
Can you live without my lips?
Now I can't kiss without you

Now, now we are here side by side
Though the way that we love's not to hide
We have so much things to do me and you
How, how lovely it is that we meant
How good love can saw all we get
But ain't you and me, me and you

Can you live without caress?
Now I can't caress without you
Can you feel without my love?
I've no feelings without you

We, we have too love all we can
We've just a woman a man
May to be lovers and friends
How far and what
We, we are just part of the land
We will be in wonderland
We can live only one life

Can you live without a smile?
Now I can't smile without you
Can you live without my lips?
Now I can't kiss without you
Can you live without caress?
Now I can't caress without you
Baby it's only you and me ...

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Other Terry Winter song Lyrics
  • Our Love (Errata)
    "Can you live without my love?
    Now I can't live without you
    Can you live without my dreams?
    Now I can't dream without you..."
  • Our Love Dream
    "I am dreaming very much
    Of our tomorrow
    And I am thinking very
    Much of our today...."
  • Summer Hollyday
    "On a summer day
    I met you
    Summer Holliday
    One of few..."
  • Youll Notice Me
    "Tell me that my love is enough and I wanted to know
    I love you so, oh yeah!
    Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Ra Ra, Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Ra Ra
    Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Ra Ra, Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Ra Ra..."

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