Texas - Guitar Song Lyrics

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Artist: Texas
Texas Author
Album: Texas - Greatest Hits (2002)
Texas - Texas - Greatest Hits Album
Song Title: Guitar Song
Genre: Rock
Visits: 762
Print Version

"I feel bad and beautiful, in all the strangest places,
You feel good, your sweet taste, the weather's
changing as I look at your face.
Falling, fall to the floor, falling, you know we can.
Haven't had a dream in such a long time now,
It's raining here and all the leaves are on the ground.
But I'm safe and warm, outside it's cold and grey,
That's my guitar and I will play for you all day.

So many songs, in my mind,
Maybe that's cause I've drunk so much wine,
There's lights in your eyes,
But out the window, it's gone dark outside.

Falling, fall to the floor, falling, you know we can.

Haven't had a dream in a such a long time now,
It's raining here and all the leaves are on the ground.
But I'm safe and warm, outside it's cold and grey,
That's my guitar and I will play for you all day.
Haven't had a dream in a such a long time now,
It's raining here and all the leaves are on the ground.
But I'm safe and warm, outside it's cold and grey,
That's my guitar and I will play for you all day.

It'll be alright, if you stay tonight,
Haven't had a dream in a such a long time now,
It's raining here and all the leaves are on the ground.
But I'm safe and warm, outside it's cold and grey,
That's my guitar and I will play for you all day."

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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Texas - Greatest Hits" album, click "Texas Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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