Texas - Superwrong Lyrics

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Artist: Texas
Texas Author
Song Title: Superwrong
Visits: 594
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I passed you by just yesterday
Was a little bit out, but time had changed
And I wondered if you could sense
that I wanted to get over you

So I went into the store
Bought a dress and I looked fine in red
Right then I felt like what the heck..
Am I doin' thinking 'bout you

Did I paint in blue
An S on your T-Shirt?
I knew right then,
that was a start to make you hurt
I couldn't remember your first name
I couldn't remember how you dressed
I think you're tired and second best
So move aside now

I can't believe that I was ever with him
The world has moved along
Here comes superwrong, without me
Could never see what I saw in him
We were so young and plain
But as the rythms change I see you stay the same.

Outside my window yesterday
I heard someone calling me to say
that you were down and what can I do to fix things
I remember the day
when I used to think that you were great
Somewhere along the way
you passed your sell date

Did I paint in blue
An S on your T-Shirt?
I knew right then,
that was a start to make you hurt
I couldn't remember your first name
I couldn't remember how you dressed
I think you're tired and second best
So move aside now

I can't believe that I was ever with him
The world has moved along
Here comes superwrong, without me
Could never see what I saw in him
We were so young and plain
But as the rythms change I see you stay the same.


Nah nah nah nah
But as the rythms change I see you stay the same. (x4)

I can't believe that I was ever with him
The world has moved along
Here comes superwrong, without me
Could never s

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