TG4 - Zip It Up Lyrics
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Zip It Up Song Lyrics
Song Title:
Zip It Up
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Zip it up, Zip it up
Zip it up, Zip it up
You gotta zip it up, You gotta zip it up
Not on the first date
What type of girl you think I am
You gotta zip it up, You gotta zip it up
Just because we kissed
Don?t mean your gotta get this (there comes a time in every girls life when ya gotta say Noo)
Zip it up
[ Verse 1 ]
I know what'cha thinkin babe
You wanna get in it babe
Try ya best to get it babe
You know I can't relate
Boy you need to Zip it up
If a kiss is not enough
Then you don't want my love,
Cause I won't give it up
Other girls may give it up
Cause they see you living it up
For me its not enough
So I ain't trippin' babe
If you wanna kick it babe (we can kick it) there will be no stickin' babe (but no sticking)
You need to zip it up (zip it up), you ain't gettin no tonight
[ Chrous ]
Just because your fine
on?t mean your gonna hit
You gotta zip it up, You gotta zip it up
Not on the first date
What type of girl do you think I am
You gotta zip it up, You gotta zip it up
Just because we kissed
Don?t mean your gotta get this (just because you're fine)
You gotta zip it up, You gotta zip it up
You?re not the one for me
Don?t think twice
You gotta zip it up, Zip it up
[ Verse 2 ]
I know what'cha used to babe,
Just because I refused ya babe (nope)
Don't mean I don't feel ya babe
Not now a little later maybe (maybe later)
Boy you need to Zip it up
If a kiss is not enough
Then you don't want my love, if ya really wanna be with me ( I ain't giving it up)
You ain't gonna sleep with me, tryna get all deep with me (never that)
Just let it flow naturally (right), No need to rush go nice and slow (slow it down)
Just relax and slow ya roll, in time I'll letcha know
Ooh, you ain't gettin none tonight
[ Chrous ]
Just because your fine (ooh)
on?t mean your gonna hit
You gotta zip it up, You gotta zip it up (oh noooo)
Not on the first date
What type of girl do you think I am
You gotta zip it up, You gotta zip it up (zip It Up)
Just because we kissed
Don?t mean your gotta get this (just because we kissed)
You gotta zip it up, You gotta zip it up (hey)
You?re not the one for me
Don?t think twice
You gotta zip it up, Zip it up
Why, Why, Why you go there with me?
Oh, Oh, Oh, Your scaring me
[ Needa-S's rap ]
Boy wha'chu talkin bout?
You must be trippen
Thinkin that you pimpin
Slow down please
On that glass that you sippin
You just wanna dig it out
Wwanna hear me scream it out
But that's not what I'm all about
Look wham, bam, slam fool
You don't understand you
You won't stickin this
No you won't be hittin this
Best believe you gotta wait
You can't hit on the first date
Sorry that I woke your friend
But you better zip it up
Just because your fine
on?t mean your gonna hit (Oh no, oh No)
You gotta zip it up, You gotta zip it up (not on the first date)
Not on the first date
What type of girl do you think I am (think I am)
You gotta zip it up, You gotta zip it up (you gotta zip it up)
Just because we kissed
Don?t mean your gotta get this
You gotta zip it up, You gotta zip it up (not on the first date)
You?re not the one for me (you're not the one for me)
Don?t think twice
You gotta zip it up, Zip it up (you gotta zip it up)
You gotta zip it up, You gotta zip it up
Not on the first date
What type of girl do you think I am
You gotta zip it up, You gotta zip it up (Ohhhh)
Just because you're fine
You gotta zip it up, you gotta zip it up
hey, oh no
You gotta zip it up, zip it up
Zip it up, Zip it up
Zip it up, Zip it up
Zip it up
Zip It Up Lyrics
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Why do I why do i
Why do I why do i
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"I know you want it
You wanna hit it
But you cant have it
Oops, cant touch it..."
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