Tha Blue Herb - Sai No Tuno No Youni Tada Hitori Ayume Lyrics

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Artist: Tha Blue Herb
Song Title: Sai No Tuno No Youni Tada Hitori Ayume
Visits: 700
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SHINE ON YOU CRAZY DIAMOND, THA BLUE's unique sensory temperature.
The spinning runnaway, the thrusting Stanton, shoving in odd unmoved emotional.
Burn the black from Pakistan, and visualise the impossibility of expression
We are the Hokkaido born illmatic acrobatics, all you gimmicks are having a GOOD NIGHT, RIGHT?
ALL you brothers and sisters of the same age, we are close.
The always fine-textured Toyohira, the blue season is here once again.
A 12-rounded double-pack, I trust in the power of this album and wish tomorrow upon it.
We keep walking facing only skyward, releasing the thumb off the top of platic bottle flask.
Reveal all the taboos in the industry, MTV is turing hip hop into porno flicks.
We are the Knight that takes the King in one move, our goal is to win the Nobel Invisible Sculpture Prize.
In the blue corner, we have the local Hiragishi undenitified double jokers.
The work-a-holic heavy smorkers, another Ryoma pulling the strings of revolution against the Shogun.
DOe in advande expected, at this point exhaust all the knowledge I have.
Rhymes and beats are the transparent self, give them life to take flight over the nation.
Complete perfection, the one and only MC and the MPC artisan, we are the no.1 Asian tag.
To the prisoners of systems, friends past and present, and those who have passed.
To the inhabitants of 2089, and all the earthlings who conprehend Japanese.
Enjou every single letter and word, the snare and the kick, of our album after a 4 year hiatus.
It's a ship that never sinks, with infinite depth, an indie label of thrills and spills.
We throw stones at the industry, ready to be rammed into a sooty pipe.
You think I'm savor? You're wrong lady, we are not pretty.
Not just a rap in Japanese, it's Northen Japanese Hip Hop, the question is who's dope and
who's got the tactics.
Whether you get on or back off, whether you survive or are cast away, that's what our battle is about.
This album ain't no pop music, the world spatiotemporal standard Japanese league.
The same number of good and evil, you see them both around you.
This album was planned secretly in private, a life size interpretation of my lonely side.
Rhymes harbour the darkness in my mind, hi-hats take charge of exaltation.
This album is the arena where the feelings I have in life are gathered.
We shine coldly upon you, and here the door to all senses opens.

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