"Accordin to karma, I will die by mistaken identity.
It's not funny, that fate is itself a mistake.
This is what I heard when I was just a kid, that my great-grand father died while he was walking
on a street on which he never walked before...."Rojyou "After the madly stream reset everything back to zero swept away, what appeared was a window that was supposed to be on the other side. In the middle of inhale, hold and exhale, kept a second of space deep down and made myself at home. The mornig groly of the landscape looks all dried out, a treasure box buried in the grave of..."S.S.B. "One with barbaric courage the second with calmness, I'll evaluate a winning chance and crush your backbone with one shot. To my vigorous self, don't look back, keep your head up and proceed solo like a rhino's horn. Experiment and experience, infinity and eternity, seabed and mountain peak, the 60 and a pen...."|
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