Tha Mexakinz - Confessions (Hell Dont Pay) Lyrics

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Artist: Tha Mexakinz
Song Title: Confessions (Hell Dont Pay)
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Artist: Tha Mexakinz
Album:Tha Mexakinz
Song: Confessions (Hell Don't Pay)

Make it go away.....

(Verse 1)
Oh lord, all I ask is for forgiveness
though I live the sinful lifestyle
hopin that you hear me out right now
You know the truth ever since I was a little kid
All the sins I comitted evil things that I did
To live it's kinda hard, in this land of temptation
Takin it day by day but I still pray for my salvation
or am I facin total darkness I'm guessin
Stuck between heaven and earth, still stressin progressin
to live my life around people with fake smiles
caught up in the midst of lies betrayal denials
I've been involved in situations that have let you down
And I know the things I've done is gonna come back around
I've been affiliated in a few two elevens
plus one eight sevens damaging my stairway to heaven
But I know when the moment comes I'll feel it in my soul
when it's time for me to go it'll be time for me to low
And I'll be waitin, waiti'n, waitin...

[Chorus: repeat 2X]
Make it go away, far away, far away...
Because reality shows that hell don't pay

[Verse 2]
Que chingue a su pinche madre...
Este mundo me tiene encarcelado
Bien presionado, en este lado
Vicioso pa salir con un milagro
Cuidado, no lo has mirado?
No te ha pasado, mira
Mi sue?o es tener un chingo de mujeres
Una pinche mansi?n, mucha lana y un nuevo Mercedez
Salir del barrio que es mas bajo que una mina
Sin medicina, emborracharme como una cantina
Moverme lejos como el mar, sin estorbar
Sigo siendo ambicioso como Pablo Escobar
Ten fe, pidele a Dios y algun dia vas a pegar
Mi jefa siempre me ha dicho, pero es muy duro llegar
Pa continuar yo necesito concentrarme
Cuidarme de estos gueyes que ya quieren terminarme
La vida no es para jugar y tu lo sabes
'toy listo para los chingadazos como Julio Cesar Chavez... Chavez


[Verse 3]
It doesn't faze me
Da way I was brought up in my days
Be scarrin up my brain
The hood games got me crazy
Livin' off the scraps of life ain't that outstanding
I feel the way I feel, influenced by my surrounding
Refuse to take a bounding, never can I be afraid
When it's time to be checkin gin I roll with the mexican reggae
Hopin that things don't really have to be like that
Without no trust it's a definite must to bust gats

He prometido, que nunca mas voy a sufrir como he sufrido
Por eso vivo como vivo por que el enemigo
Esta celoso y nunca quiere ver a un mexicano
Que sea exitoso
Pero ?ste no es baboso
He despertado de este sue?o que me aloca
Cierra la boca o te la dejo entumida como una foca
El pecador les ha pegado como ambolia
Ya los dejo temblando como aqui en California, en California...

[Chorus to fade out]

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  • La Plaga
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  • Murdah
    "* send corrections to the typist
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    Murdah, murdah, the mothahfuckah murdah
    Murdah, murdah, the mothahfuckah murdah..."
  • The Wake Up Show
    "Yes, yes, it's The All Mighty Xzibit
    In correlation wit the Mexican Foundation
    Chino XL, course you know me,
    Broadcastin' live from Liquid Krew..."

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