U2 - Falling At Your Feet Lyrics

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Artist: U2
U2 Author
Album: Million Dollar Hotel [Ost] (2000)
U2 - Million Dollar Hotel [Ost] Album
Song Title: Falling At Your Feet
Genre: Rock
Visits: 602
Print Version

Every chip from every cup
Every promise given up
Every reason that's not enough
Is falling, falling at your feet

Every band elastic limit
Every race when there's nothing in it
Every winner that has lost their ticket
Is falling, falling at your feet
I've come crawling, falling at your feet

Everyone who needs a friend
Every life that has no end
Every knee not ready to bend
Is falling, falling at your feet
I've come crawling, now I'm falling at your feet

All fall down
All the manic days
The faces that you pull
All the x-rays not under your control
The graffiti rolling down off of your tongue
And the compromise you make for someone

Every teenage with acne
Every face that's spoiled by beauty
Every adult tamed by duty
Are all falling at your feet

Every foot in every face
Every cop stop that finds the grace
Every prisoner in the Maze
Every hand that needs an ace
Is falling, falling at your feet
I've come crawling, now I'm falling at your feet

All fall down
All the books you never read
Just started
All the meals you rushed
And never tasted

Every eye closed by a bruise
Every player who just can't lose
Every pop star hurling abuse
Every drunk back on the booze
All falling at your feet, all falling at your feet

All fall down
All the information
All the big ideas
All the radio waves
On electronic seas
How to navigate
How to simply be
Don't know when to wait
Explain simplicity
In whom shall I trust?
How might I be still?
Teach me to surrender
Not my will, THY will

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    Until you crossed the line of grace
    And you never felt wanted
    Till you had someone slap your face..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Million Dollar Hotel [Ost]" album, click "U2 Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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