U D O - Azrael Lyrics

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Artist: U D O
U D O Author
Album: No Limits (1998)
U D O - No Limits Album
Song Title: Azrael
Genre: Metal
Visits: 853
Print Version

Long ago - in another life

I was innocent - just a child

Transformed my brain into an evil thing

Now Im a creature of the night

Im a shadow in the darkness and Im watching you

Though you cant see me I am always at your side

When Im on your heels - you see how it feels

To sense the curse of azrael

In the night - Ill come to you

Your life belongs to me

I wake you up - you stare at me

Im the last thing that youll ever see

The panic in your eyes that I have hungered for

Shows me you have realised the truth

Death comes to the dying - and before your eyes grow dim

The last word on your lips is azrael

I will destroy your dreams

I will destroy your mind

I will destroy your soul

And then Ill take your life

Sometimes I remember the life I had before

I asked myself was it just a dream

When I close my eyes I see an ocean flowing blood

And in my sleep I hear those fearful screams

So lock your doors - remove the keys

I doesnt matter if you leave or stay

Wherever you go Ill be expecting you

Your resistance is the spice that I crave

When you imagine theres a movement in the shadows

The light around you is weakens more and more

Prepare for the arrival of the uninvited guest

The angel of the darkness - azrael

I will destroy your dreams

I will destroy your mind

I will destroy your soul

And then Ill take your life, ...

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    Everywhere we go we party just the same
    Getting all my fun
    With crazy little girls like you..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "No Limits" album, click "U D O Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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