UB40 - Style Lyrics

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Artist: UB40
Song Title: Style
Visits: 756
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Now here comes a musical shack attack
Really on truly design to make you rock
Whether you white or black
In a pants or frock
Round a front or back
Down an bottom or on top

Is Pablo Ranks round the microphone a chat
On the musical shack attack seen (Dreadlocks)
Here them style ya now star
Ca me say if a don't Patton then a style
A me say is a don't Patton them a style (Smile)
A mi say if a don't patton them a style (Wicked on wile)
Say if a don't Patton them a style

Mi young a say strong Jah know mi well virile
True mi eant everything them a say that spwile
Man mi run way left mi yard them a say that mi wile
Say mi lock the education but mi versatile, true mi
Sell the callie weel on them mi collect the kile
Babylon want fi hold mi it is just for a while
Say mi break out a jail a man use a file
Say mi head in a the mountain - under low profile
Mi say if a don't Patton them a style (right)
A me say if a don't Patton them a style (Flashitta)
Ca me say if a don't Patton then a style (Bubble)
A mi say if a don't Patton then a style

But a true say Pablo cool Pablo wasn't hostile
Mi rub down fi mi skin yes in a coconut oil
Me rap ip fi mi weed in a bacofile
Mi chat the rub a dub fi make the girls them smile
The blood in a them body (man) me want it fi boil
With swet a run them back like a engine oil
With the lyrics them a fire like any missile
Pablo Ranks around the mic as your disciplin child
Well mi fire fi mi lyrics for a million mile
All the girls them in the dance say him dea under profile

Ca me say if a don't Patton them a style
A me say if a don't Patton them astyle (wicked and wile)
Say if a don't Patton then a style (Gwan)
Ca me say if a don't them a style
You know say Pablo Ranks him a you cullicked yard child
A tell you that Patton that a Patton
Me say style a style
But a snake on a lizard on a crocodile
But a them dea creature me say call reptile
But anywhere you go, you know those a pure style
But a Pablo Rankin dea ya cause him wicked and wile
Come fi run down the rubadub in a yard style
Make the girls them in the dance hall feel fi smile
Make the blood in a them body (just) starte fi boil
Make the swet a run them back like a engine oil
Ca mi fire them ya lyric fire them not like missile
Me say if a don't Patton them a style
A me say if a don't Patton them a style (wicked on wile)
Say if a don't Patton then a style
Cause me say if a don't Patton then a style

I'm young I'm strong Jah know mi well verile
True mi want everything them a say that mispwile
But run a left mi yard them a say that mi wile
Say mi lack the education but me versitile
Cause me sell the collie weed on then collect kile
Babylon them want fi hold me it is just for a while
Say me break out a jail an 9 man use a file
Say me head into the mountain under low profile
True say 9 man did cool 9 was never hostile
9 man rub down my skin in coconut oil
On rap up my weed in bacofoil
And 9 chat the rubadub fi make the girls them smile
Cause the blood their body's - 9 want it to boil
An the swet should run their backs like engine oil
Me say if it's not fashion then it's style
A me say if a don't Patton them a style
A me say if a don't Patton them a style (Wile)
A mi say if a don't Patton them a style
A fire them ya lyrics like a god dam missile
A fire them hot for one million miles
On true them never know me was disaplin child
Me go to the stadium an pass through the turnstile
But if 9 feel to walk 9 walk about five miles

Ca me say if a don't Patton then a style (right)
A me say if a don't Patton them a style (Gwan)
A me say if a don't Patton them a style (Kick up)
A me say if a don't Patton it's style

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  • Really
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  • Cover Up
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    Guard your love
    In every direction CHORUS..."
  • Walk on Me Land
  • Something More Than This
    "I said, there must be something more than this Verse 1
    Green environmentalist
    Back street agriculturist
    Scientific herbalist..."

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