UB40 - Vs Version Lyrics

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Artist: UB40
Song Title: Vs Version
Visits: 761
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Dais a de start and not the finish na go deal it with ace
I like to ride up in the ridim wid de treble and the base
Not a courtroom could a hold me cause they wouldn`t have a case
So don`t you hurry don`t rush me no in a no haste
Me na go chat dais one fast ca a no race me a race
Cas Sis V de pan de mike I beg you keep up the pace
And who a star wid Mr T it`s hannibal, murdock and face
I`m sure you noticed on the mike that I am in the right place
I`m gonna chat it in a style and chat it in a grace
Eat good food drink good you know thats to my taste
Now make sure eat it drink it all off na make none go to waste
And who`s aeoberti upon Falcon Crest you know him a chase
Se that the top of the crew Sis V I may seem
See that me deal wid realism get guided by all my dream
Now rasberry ripple as you know it is my favourite ice-cream
So when me step in a de dance in my gear I just gleam
I am the top mile women thats why I`m standing so keen
Don`t wa fe hear no pirate chat ca dem no in a my team
Se dat me de pan level vibes so chatting this I`m the queen
Why don`t you shake a leg why don`t you rock and come in
Don`t bother fight in a de dance don`t want police an the scene
To sparkle all the polishing you`ll have to use Mr Sheen
Incredible Hulk transformation gigantic and green
So when you look in a him face he stares at you really mean
I like to eat up my steak better make sure it lean
Just add some rice add some dumplin but leave out the bean
Me na go to resturant sit down and eat three course meal
Me a chat it verbally don`t want it signed stampedor sealed
In a de old avengers starred steed and Mrs Peel
Who Robbie Box that gambler on the programme Big Deal
This one is live and direct so you know it`s for real
I don`t respect dais ya system don`t expect me to kneel
Cause Jesus Christ worked his miracle many man ham did heal

Ca man dem make out a flesh and robots made our of steel
They might can operate like man unlike man they can`t feel
Don`t bother mix with no informer cause on you they might squeal

Cas me se when you have a spliff you must kark it
And when you have a dog you must walk it
Cause it might just do a number two upon your carpet
You have to get down on your knee and begin to clean it
Well in a de white house Mr Reagen a sit
And when me go a nasa dema launch rocket
So when a got a needle save myself nine stitch
While Joan Collins she`s starring as the super bitch
Now I`m not exactly poor but I`m certainly ain`t rich
I`m gonna preach it right don`t bother call me hypercrit
Don`t want hear Tony Butler me no check fe critic
Ca when I get a curly perm Jahman just use a home kit
And if I`m forced to hear a pirate dash dem down a snake pit
Mak pirina knam dem tear them flesh bit by bit
Ca sister de pan de mile and I have got nough lyric
Jim Davidson teasing Plice with his catch phrase nick nich
Upon my wrist I wear a watch how does it go tock tick
And who is starring with Magnum Higgins TC and Rick
Ca Tony labour SDP Jahman dem all make me sick
Because dem na go get my vote ca me no vote for politic
A me a Sister V upon the mike coming through
Se me a top a de chart Jahman and top of the crew

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Other UB40 song Lyrics
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    So beautiful with no effort at all...."
  • Really
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    And something about your body girl I can't resist
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  • The Day I Broke The Law
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    With open arms to greet me at the door.
    You cried as I was led away..."
  • Let Me Know
    "Let me know, what I got to do
    Blow by blow accounts in black and blue
    Make it so, let it go, make it so.............
    Any other time we would welcome you..."
  • Cover Up
    "Cover up
    With loving protection
    Guard your love
    In every direction CHORUS..."
  • Walk on Me Land
  • Something More Than This
    "I said, there must be something more than this Verse 1
    Green environmentalist
    Back street agriculturist
    Scientific herbalist..."

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