UB40 - Waw Waw Waw Lyrics

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Artist: UB40
Song Title: Waw Waw Waw
Visits: 712
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Well certain thing you don't act man
and you can't take it back
you understand me a say,
but certain things you have to look on an other thing,
hm..... , me can't understand what I say
Me nah understand what we a say,
me not understand what we are chat about,
well this is what we chat about
.....what me a talk 'bout....

Baby Girl, waw waw waw want you back inna me life
like a police sirene come fast Stichie cry
Waw waw waw want you back inna me life
you can hear me a shout it out ten thousend times
Waw waw waw want you back inna me life
like a police sirene come fast Stichie cry
Waw waw waw want you back inna me life
you can hear me a shout it out ten thousend times

She caught me red handed and feel offended
gal a pose up in a me car (I'm sorry)
Me and Suel book room in a hotel and she catch
me when me hand in a deh jar (I'm sorry)
No she can't take this, catch me with the others
and drink from one glass inna varn
She said me character dirty, when she hold me
with Shirley, and she still a never warn (oh dear)
She vex when she see me inna the bed with Yvette
and Susan a pose up like style (what a thing)
Peachess, princess, put on her dress,
and she decide we have to stay far, anyway

Waw waw waw want you back inna me life
like a police sirene come fast Stichie cry
Waw waw waw want you back inna me life
you can hear me a shout it out ten thousend times
Waw waw waw want you back inna me life
like a police sirene come fast Stichie cry
Waw waw waw want you back inna me life
can you hear me a shout it out ten thousend times

This a me sincere apology, straight from me heart
and off me pickney (yes baby)
It going out to my number one lady,
like Don Sliver far line, water run daily
Sorry, I do it, can't buy soldier lorry, can't sleep at night,
never do it for sight, I am sorry, hush, but the car by rush,
your little teeny weeny have me never need to crush.

Waw waw waw, waw waw waw waw
Waw waw waw, waw waw waw waw
Waw waw waw want you back inna me life
like a police sirene come fast Stichie cry
Waw waw waw want you back inna me life
can you hear me a shout it out ten thousend times
Waw waw waw want you back inna me life
like a police sirene come fast Stichie cry
Waw waw waw want you back inna me life
can you hear me a shout it out ten thousend times

Find me guilty, punish me for the crime (true)
But you have me a serve over time
Woman why do you have to treat me so cruel,
full time, you put me on parole (true)
It's like you put me on the condemn block (true),
Over Alcatraz 'pon the rock (true)
and a me try everyday, Stichie saying, oh sorry,
this me have to cry

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Other UB40 song Lyrics
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  • Really
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    And something about your body girl I can't resist
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  • The Day I Broke The Law
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  • Let Me Know
    "Let me know, what I got to do
    Blow by blow accounts in black and blue
    Make it so, let it go, make it so.............
    Any other time we would welcome you..."
  • Cover Up
    "Cover up
    With loving protection
    Guard your love
    In every direction CHORUS..."
  • Walk on Me Land
  • Something More Than This
    "I said, there must be something more than this Verse 1
    Green environmentalist
    Back street agriculturist
    Scientific herbalist..."

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