Udo Juumlrgens - Peace Now Lyrics

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Artist: Udo Juumlrgens
Song Title: Peace Now
Visits: 808
Print Version

Everybody is talkin' 'bout peace in the world
oh yeah
everybody is talkin' 'bout peace in the world
but ev'rytime I hear a hungry baby cry

I ask peace now show me your face.

Peace now
show me your face
Peace now
show me your face
Peace now
show me your face
Peace now
show me your face.

Can't you hear me:
Peace now
show me your face
Peace now
show me your face
Peace now
show me your face
Peace now
show me your face.

Everybody is talkin' 'bout freedom and life
oh yeah
Everybody is talkin' 'bout freedom and life
oh yeah
but ev'rytime I see the trouble 'round the world
I ask freedom show me your face.

show me your face...
Everybody is talkin' 'bout peace in the world
oh yeah
Everybody is talkin' 'bout peace in the world
oh yeah
but ev'rytime I see a young soldier die

I ask peace now show me your face.

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