Ugly Casanova - Ice On The Sheets Lyrics

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Artist: Ugly Casanova
Song Title: Ice On The Sheets
Visits: 786
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Committing crimes and we?re running down the alley,
I am the captain, you?re in the galley
With this girl she said that she was hungry
We just got done swapping our IDs
Ice on the sheets. look at the floor,
Son as I can walk I walk out the door and never stop.
Ice on the sheets look at the floor,
as soon as I can walk I walk out the door and never stop.
Im look'n at an old photograph,
it looked like we took it at gunpoint so i had to laugh.
Look at the ice, look at the floor ice on the sheets and im on the
floor I
never stop.

A wholeness comes and you feel a phenomenon I can?t die, I just keep
Got there and a brand new ______put ?em by the bed now, bad karma
Ice on the sheet a week?s worth of pay and all the Monday
You got to where you look at your shoes and you say hey hey

Im out of breath, Im out of wits,
I'm out of these every day of the week. Oh yeah.
Committing crimes and we?re running down the alley,
I am the captain, you?re in the galley
With this girl she said that she was hungry
We just got done swapping our IDs
Committing crimes and we?re running down the alley,
I am the captain, you?re in the galley
With this girl she said that she was hungry
We just got done swapping our IDs
Like back in the day where everywhere was the sticks
They used to go to bars they?d dance in lines and get sick
You dance you dance and then you?d dance some more you,
You put on your disco shoes and dance until there were holes in the
Back in the days when they died their hair
They still wouldn't ___________ lack of kids that cared.
Back in the days when they danced to death...
Back in the days when they banged their head...
______________________drunk_____ and we laughed.
The disco came and they did some coke.
They didn?t have codine and the biggest joke...
Is their deaf, their fucked, they fucked, they fought, they faught they
And now a little red lip stick, a red bra, and a cheap cheap trick and
that?s me.
I brung your kids to the house to the home to the schools
_____ didn't know nothin ____ talk isn't cheap
I _____ I got a kid now, I got friends now. How have you been? uh hu hu
Committing crimes and we?re running down the alley,
I am the captain, you?re in the galley
With this girl she said that she was hungry
We just got done swapping our IDs
Committing crimes and we?re running down the alley,
I am the captain, you?re in the galley
With this girl she said that she was hungry
We just got done swapping our IDs
Committing crimes and we?re running down the alley,
I am the captain, you?re in the galley
With this girl she said that she was hungry
We just got done swapping our IDs

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    they didn't give me anything
    and then they took half of that...."
  • Parasites
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    and all your thoughts, they rot.
    god and satan they gamble when you're dead..."
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