Ugly Duckling - Everythings Alright Lyrics

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Artist: Ugly Duckling
Ugly Duckling Author
Song Title: Everythings Alright
Visits: 687
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[Singing Sample] Everything's alright (x3)

[Dizzy Dustin]
When the wind and sands where the land's away (uh-huh)
There's no man that stands in it's way (uh-huh)
People tell me,
Life would be lovely
When I own a ?
And find my sharona
But I don't get caught up, this isn't my turf
I'm not even a citizen of planet Earth
Marooned on the boondocks in timbucktoo
(What do you do?)I wait for the rescue crew
So I don't need an IV to revive me
When I think my thoughts drive me,
To the brink,
If the end is near, then send it here (together)
I'm outta sight like a sattelite
And that's alright

[Singing Sample] Everything's alright (x2)
[Together]If the end is near, then send it here
[Singing Sample] Everything's alright

Well, as I rock beatie-beatie-beats
In the endtimes (?), breakin' it down like enzymes
To package and send rhymes
To another galaxy
As a proton, I split 'em into catastrophe
And so on
Now people wanna say it's great to be alive today
With the strives we've made
And the lives we've saved
But if you really wanna know
How much longer time'll last
Tune into your local TV simulcast
Watch the fall of the family
Natural disasters
Disease, enemies, attack to strike back
And they claim its uncontrollable
But you know that they're full of bull
So you can't be so gullable
Cuz it's like that
Mic that, Andycat
My architect pleases
When I was 12, I went to heaven for lovin' Jesus
'Cause hey, we could be done tonight
On the rapture
And that's alright


[Both MCs trade verses]
Some try to run from the hands of time
But they get lost, and hit the land mine
Like a teenage love
You can't trust your girlfriend
Saying don't, don't, don't hurt me again
Or addiction (addiction)
You gotta watch your back
There's a junkie in the alley with a baseball bat
But as bad as that sounds
Really everything's fine
As Young Einstein, it's "so fine"(sample)
Don't try
To cheat death like the Fall Guy
'Cause we all die
Think about it.
Because there's not a bigger fish to fry
And that's no lie
Check it out
[Together] If the end is near, then send it here
[Together] If the end is near, then send it here (repeat til finish)

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    Alright, let's see tickets, ID's
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