Ugly Duckling - Introduckling Lyrics

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Artist: Ugly Duckling
Ugly Duckling Author
Album: Journey To Anywhere (2001)
Ugly Duckling - Journey To Anywhere Album
Song Title: Introduckling
Genre: Rap: Hip-Hop
Visits: 712
Print Version

(Ladies and gentlemen

the one and only

takin care of plenty, plenty of business

fantastically [...]

and we're about ready to have a party)

( *crowd cheers* )

( *Young Einstein cuts up* )

(Get down)

(Gimme an intro)

(Everybody say)



(Everybody say)



[ Andy C ]

Introduction of the Ugly Duckling, we're here

( ? ) microphone, when you put one in, gonna get it in gear

When you make a tight fist, put it in the air

Then you pump it like this

I do more legwork than a centipede

Or when you're goin uphill on a 10-speed

When I MC I harness energy

Break mics like sellery with mental telepathy

Then I melt them down till they vaporize

Then imprinted on the ground by my laser eyes

(Oh yeah) It's Andy, Dustin and Rod

Makin listeners applaud with their heads when they nod

[ Dizzy Dustin ]

Put the motor in the red, I've got the hot shred

And some Monroe Shocks for rocks on the road ahead

Like fire drills we keep you on your heels

With the analog sound off the two-inch reels

Wherever I'm at I burn a hole in the map

Like a Cartwright, but I spark mics

Ignite and keep it tighter than a facelift

There's so much flavor in the air, you can taste it

Leave it up to me to put the b in b-boy

I bring a point to your ear - like Leonard Nemoy

Dizzy Dustin is my nom de plume

In bloom on this Ugly introduction tune

(Get down)

(Gimme an intro)

(Everybody say)



(Everybody say)



[ Andy C ]

Check, check, check out my melody, I'm havin some fun

Goin Public like the Enemy - Number One

Steppin on the scene with or without pay

Gettin Wilder than Gene till the crowd goes (Hey!)

I rock events with much confidence

And catch compliments on all continents

So clap your hands everybody, Germany to Amsterdam

From the USA to the whole UK, Scandinavia and Japan

[ Dizzy Dustin ]

We been overseas, on tour with the JB's

Dizzy Dustin's introduction for this new LP

[ Andy C ]

Now we don't record keyboard

I use it for a kneeboard

We're not the other groups

We only ride loops (fat loops)

We keep it pure, been into this before

Rap had its own section in the record store

And that's how it is, you can ask Diz

Listen for yourself, here he is

[ Dizzy Dustin ]

(Well alright)

There's three in UD, we're each from Long Beach

While Andy and I write, Rod searches for beats

They call him Einstein and everywhere you find us

He's right behind us where the DJ stands

Pullin out black plates from one of his many crates

Scratchin like the Supreme Team with his hands


( *Young Einstein scratches* )



(Everybody say)



(Everybody say)



(Everybody say)



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    "Meat and shake, that's all I need, m-hm"
    "I have MeatShake every day at school"..."
  • A Little Samba
    "1 ... 2 ... 3 ...
    This is just a little samba
    With all the typical drama
    This is just a little samba..."
  • Eye on the Gold Chain
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    They got the eye on the gold chain
    When Young Einstein was a kid in the mid
    80's he saw how the b-boys lived..."
  • Opening Act
    Everybody over here, I need one straight line
    Alright, let's see tickets, ID's
    Alright, thank you..."
  • Abigail Silk
    "Now every day I been listening to "Love Supreme"
    I mean I've fallen in deep like a submarine
    I mean she's not a fashion model or the queen of the prom
    Or a voluptuous blonde who hangs with James Bond..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Journey To Anywhere" album, click "Ugly Duckling Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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