Ugly Duckling - Oasis Lyrics

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Artist: Ugly Duckling
Ugly Duckling Author
Album: Journey To Anywhere (2001)
Ugly Duckling - Journey To Anywhere Album
Song Title: Oasis
Genre: Rap: Hip-Hop
Visits: 742
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Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah(4x)

[Verse 1: Andy]
Come on a trip to the centre of the nebulous place
I'm your host (Space Ghost!) on this cosmos chase
It's a pattern around Saturn, so watch the rings
Then follow the flight plan to Andromeda's wings
Point your kaleidoscope at the balance expanse
Never any bending the surface of molecular plans
Enhance, the beat can secret so can search's and saves
and signals, but not radio waves
Cause' you've tuned into the top ten, the pop is repetitive
A sedative that would make insomniacs relax
Into a mummified state, but I'll unravel the clock
Travel the harp, and feed a bon-bon to a ton-ton
In other words, I duck and make the cargo drop
In simple terms, I stop and rock the spot
So I'm working on a new anti-gravity design
In the jet-propulsion lab with Young Einstein,(and)
Let me play Willy Mays and say hey to Dizzy Dustin
Formerly known as cue-ball, back when I was called too tall
But now with U-Haul, packing up, making moves to new places
(Including the Oasis!)
It's not a mirage, but a barrage of spoken ballet
Everyone is spun by the tongue, conductors DJ
It takes your ora from the world of the morbid
Shoot you through a vacuum, put you into orbit

[Chorus - Instrumental]
Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah (4x)

[Verse 2: Andy]
Head to handicap, contact someone
To the percussion club drubbing up the non-hum drum
As it runs it and thus becomes a product of the ugly
Now we can make it lovely (Like)
A life can become a slow death, but one is left
It's sold to a genie with bandini on it's breath
Never came to baggage claim, so no venture over the fences into the frontier
Where regret is varied consequences
On the laster days, there

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Other Ugly Duckling song Lyrics
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    Turn it up, turn it up
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  • Rio de Janeiro
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    If you're lookin for love you can find it here
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  • Dumb It Down
    "Da-da-da, da-da-da-da-da
    Da-da-da, da-da-da-da-da
    Here we go now, keep it low-brow
    Check my brain in, be a idiot..."
  • Meatshake
    ""I've been havin MeatShake for forty years"
    "I love MeatShake!"
    "Meat and shake, that's all I need, m-hm"
    "I have MeatShake every day at school"..."
  • A Little Samba
    "1 ... 2 ... 3 ...
    This is just a little samba
    With all the typical drama
    This is just a little samba..."
  • Eye on the Gold Chain
    "They got the eye on the gold chain
    They got the eye on the gold chain
    When Young Einstein was a kid in the mid
    80's he saw how the b-boys lived..."
  • Opening Act
    Everybody over here, I need one straight line
    Alright, let's see tickets, ID's
    Alright, thank you..."
  • Abigail Silk
    "Now every day I been listening to "Love Supreme"
    I mean I've fallen in deep like a submarine
    I mean she's not a fashion model or the queen of the prom
    Or a voluptuous blonde who hangs with James Bond..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Journey To Anywhere" album, click "Ugly Duckling Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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