Ugly Duckling - Opening Act Lyrics

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Artist: Ugly Duckling
Ugly Duckling Author
Album: Taste the Secret (2003)
Ugly Duckling - Taste the Secret Album
Song Title: Opening Act
Genre: Rap: Hip-Hop
Visits: 1639
Print Version

[ bouncer ]


Everybody over here, I need one straight line

Alright, let's see tickets, ID's

Alright, thank you

Turn around, hands on your head

Ah, what you got here, okay..

No, no problem

Thank you very much, enjoy the show tonight

[ audience members ]

Cool, we're in, man

It's gonna be dope, can't wait

Who's opening act?

Who cares?

[ promoter ]

Yo yo yo, how everybody doin tonight?

Let me welcome y'all to the show

Everybody ready to party?

Yeah yeah

Brought to you by MeatShake

Now I know who y'all came here to see

But before they come out, uh, we got

We got this one group, uh, what are they called?

Oh that's right, yeah

Ugly Duckling, everybody, Ugly Duckling

How's everybody doin?


We're the opening act

We do a couple songs and we don't come back

And when we're finished we'll be hoping you clap

We're the opening act

1-2, what's up y'all?

[ VERSE 1: Andy C & Dizzy Dustin ]

We're the opening act and we're here tonight

At a club near you with the band you like

In fact, it's your favorite band, you're a superfan

Who wouldn't miss it for the world, so you thought up a plan

You bought your tickets in advance, you left your house on time

You drove 45 minutes, then you waited in line

And when you finally got in and made your way to the stage

You were very disappointed when we started to play

We're the opening act, please try to be patient

We been writing songs and rehearsin in our basement

This isn't just a gig, it's a place to be seen

And a chance to be heard, see, we're chasin a dream

And we truly hope that you'll enjoy the way we entertain

So when you go home you'll remember our name

We know you waited two years for your favorite band to tour

But you're stuck watchin us who you never heard before


We're the opening act

Some people even poke fun and they laugh

But most just drink and smoke in the back

Know why? We're the opening act


[ VERSE 2: Andy C & Dizzy Dustin ]

We're the opening act, we get drinks and snacks

And a backstage pass and some money for gas

The stage manager asks, "Are you ready to go?"

There's only 50 people here and it's a sold out show

Can't we wait until the club is full? "No, you gotta hurry"

"The schedule says you need to be done by 8:30"

8:30, why so early, there's a line around the block?

"No one cares about the band in the opening spot"

We're the opening act, we don't have any hits

The club owner and the show promoter don't know we exist

So we're never on the flyers or the marquees

It's so quiet when we play, I hear people drop their car keys

A couple people rock, a couple people boo

But most just wish that we were through

So the biggest cheer we get is when I say, "Here's the last song"

Cause they know the headliner is about to come on

We're the opening act, we hope you have a nice evening

We'll keep working harder and we'll never stop believing

Maybe some day we'll ride the tour bus

And you'll be coming out to see us

But for now we're the opening act

(On with the show)

(We're gonna be in yo town soon)

We're the opening act

To the people on the right

We're the opening act

(On with the show)

(Even when promoters give us the cold shoulder)

We're the opening act

To the people on the left

Somebody say I wanna rock right now, come on

Say I wanna rock right now, everybody

Say I wanna rock right now, anybody

Come on, say I wanna rock right now, please

(You guys suck)

We are - the opening act

That's us

Ugly Duckling

Enjoy the show

Here we go

Opening Act Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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